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[a hoodie and a boy]

Friday 9:37 pm

"Here you are, one beer." Vilde handed me my first drink, while she was already on her second and counting.

Vilde scurried off to Eva who was too drunk to walk in a straight line. The air smelled of a mix of weed and alcohol. It felt toxic almost. This smell was far to familiar to me. I slipped out the back door and stood outside for some fresh air. Although, it didn't make a difference since more people were smoking out back, the crisp air still felt better than he body heat building up inside.

I set down my untouched beer directly in front of me, just so no one could slip anything into it, and rubbed my arms. I didn't quite think this through. Standing outside with no jacket in the winter in Norway wasn't the smartest choice. Yet I wasn't ready to go back in, so I grew some balls, endured the cold, and drank that beer.

"Saskiaaaa." Eva slurred her words as she threw her arms around me, giving me a good whiff of her breath that was reeking of alcohol. I cringed, moving my head away from hers.

"How about we call it a night?" I suggested, pulling her tall body off of my petite one and taking her in my arms.

"No!" She pushed my arms off of her and ran back into the house of drunk and stoned teenagers that knew this routine at parties as if it was religious to them.

I decided on calling it a night for myself and went in to go find Noora. Noora drove us since she rarely ever touched alcohol and I was hoping she would leave with me. Of course I never chose to drive no matter how little alcohol I had, so I was hoping she hadn't left. I downed the small amount of beer remaining in my bottle and took a deep breath before heading back into the house.

I pushed passed the many people from school that I really didn't like at all. Why was I even here? Hell I didn't even know who's party, let alone house, this was.

After making basically a full round around the house, I concluded that she wasn't here. Or at least I couldn't find her anywhere, and there was no use in asking Vilde or Eva since they were too drunk to recall anything. I tried asking others who seemed sober enough, but no one had a clue.

I pulled out my phone and tapped on Noora's name to send her a text. I didn't bother trying to call her and talk over the blaring music that was still just as loud outside.

S: Where are you?

I stood there with my eyes glued to my phone, expecting Noora to respond to me in seconds. I knew after a minute or so of just standing there, it was going to be a while. I took a seat on the surprisingly empty leather couch that had empty plates and cans piled up on it. All I had to do now was anticipate Noora's response.

I sat there with my head in my hands, bored as hell. I don't think I could find a single sober soul in this party to have a decent conversation with. Sana was usually sober, but she opted out of coming. Chris was pressed up against the wall with Kaspar's lips attached to hers. Eva and Vilde were taking turns feeding each other beer.

Oh the perks of having minimal friends! I don't think there was anyone else I could ask for a ride since I wasn't getting a response from Noora, and didn't have the patience to wait.

I was feeling tired with every agonizing minute that passed. The most stupid thing I could possibly do at this party was fall asleep, and unfortunately that was the one thing I was tempted to do. I decided it would be safest to snooze out in front of everyone until I got Noora's message instead of being isolated in another room. Either way the idea was stupid, but I was too exhausted to figure out another option.

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