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[bathroom chats and a beer]

Friday 7:53 pm

Noora and William came to pick me up, so all three of us could meet our buses who were over at Chris'. As much as I wanted deny being excited to see Chris, I couldn't. I could sense that Noora knew something was different, since I wasn't complaining every 3 minutes about going to his place.

"What? No complains from you?" Noora questioned me, turning from the passenger seat to look back at me.

"What's the point of complaining when you keep inviting me to places Chris is at despite what I want?" I sighed, purposely making myself sound dramatic.

"Mhm, that's why you're not complaining?" She raised her perfectly filled in eyebrows at me.

"Alright Saskia, we have arrived at your favorite person's place." William grinned at me through the rearview mirror, parking his Porsche so we could all get out.

Noora got out, pulling her seat forward so I could come out from the back. I could see the purple and pink tinted lights from the windows of Chris' place. There was a muffled sound of music coming from the outside, and dozens of cars were parked on the sides of the streets. It was as if everyone from Nissen had come.

Noora linked her arm with mine as William walked ahead of us. Noora wore her regular cropped sweater and a pair of nice trousers, where as myself had dressed up in my usual striped shirt and distressed mom jeans. I mean if I wanted to look presentable and had to wear
actual pants, there were most definitely going to be my comfiest pair of jeans.

We entered his place through the unlocked door. This party was insane. There were all kinds of voices coming from every direction. This party was packed to the max. How could they all even fit inside? It was nearly impossible. For a while my party had upped William's, but this time Chris' party had trumped everyone else's. Actually in the mood to party, Noora and I went to go find the rest of the girls. We found them all crowded around the kitchen with drinks.

Eva threw her arm over my shoulder, sober, so I assumed that they had only reached here a few moments before us. I grabbed the drink from her hand, taking a sip. Herself and Vilde looked at me in confusion, before quickly changing their expression into one of a grin.

"Party Sas is back!" Vilde exclaimed, handing me my own drink, referring to my behavior back at my party.

I shrugged my shoulders, going along with it, opening up my beer. I pulled out my phone to see some snapchats and messages.

Asshole: your ass better be here

Saskia: maybe i am. maybe i'm not.
come find me

Asshole: playing games again huh?

Saskia: you started it

Asshole: im looking for you

Saskia: good luck with that

I slipped phone back into my pocket, enjoying the company of all the girls. Eva was already cracking some half drunk jokes. Halfway through telling them, she would mess up the joke and that was funnier than the actual thing. Eva was the cutest little person in the world.

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