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[blankets and a fake first date]

Sunday 7:21 am

I could feel the warmth of the sun beaming on my face. Considering I had fallen asleep quite early, I was the first one up. The rest were most definitely going to be hungover and I was glad that I wasn't one of them. I slowly got out of bed, and once I pushed my blanket off of me, the cold air made every second out of bed agonizing.

After using the bathroom and freshening up, I pulled on an old Adidas sweatshirt I had and went back to get my phone. Sunlight was pouring in through the many windows in the cabin and it almost didn't feel like winter. I wasn't usually a morning person, but I was pretty content for once at 7 am.

As I reached my bed, I looked to see Noora and William sharing a bed beside me. Above me where some of the girls sharing a bunk, and another bed had two penetrators up there. I looked down beside my bed, and saw Chris fast asleep on the ground.

Chris's hair was tousled around and his cheeks were a flushed pink. Small snores came out as whispers from his mouth. His hands were on either side of his pillow, while he was asleep on his stomach. For once he didn't look obnoxious.

I noticed Chris had gone the whole night without a blanket. The heater in this cabin was awful and as much as I disliked Chris, I felt bad that he was probably freezing the whole night. So I grabbed my blanket and placed it over his body. Within seconds he clung on tightly to the blanket, shifting in his sleep to a more comfortable position.

I wasn't hungry and was unsure of what to do with myself. Sure it felt nice to have a quiet morning, but after 20 minutes that got pretty boring when I was the only one awake. Of course I could sleep again, I mean that was always a good idea. Except now Chris had my blanket and it just seemed to cruel to snatch it from him, when he went the whole night without one.

Maybe a bit of fresh air would do me some good. I changed my pajama bottoms into something more suitable for the weather, then headed out. It had definitely warmed up since yesterday, but maybe that was because the sun was out.

Sun emitted through the sparse branches in the trees well above me, as well as reflecting off the lake. The lake was stunning, looking like the water was sparkling. As I approached the lake, I could hear the tiny waves brushing against the rocks on shore. The small shells and rocks crunched beneath my feet while I walked beside the water.

"You're up early." A voice, I had recognized as Noora's, came from behind me. Considering she was up this early, I assumed she didn't drink much.

"What happened after I slept?" I asked her, curious of what had happened since I had slept once the partying was just starting.

"Drinks and a campfire. It was really nice actually. Jonas brought his guitar and we all just sang some songs." Noora told me, making me feel regretful about sleeping while all of this happened.

"You made Chris sleep on the floor?" She asked me, giving me a funny look since he seemed to be the only one not on a bed.

"I don't trust him." I threw my arms up in defense. Hell, I was only really starting to get to know the guy, and so far he was exactly who I thought he was.

"Hm, I don't remember him sleeping with a blanket though." She trailed off, knowing that it was my blanket that he was sleeping with.

"Hey had I known, I would have made sure he had slept with one in the first place. I'm not
that mean." I made it seem like it was no big deal, and I wasn't sure if Noora even bought it.

"Let's go back in, yeah?" Noora asked, and I nodded as we parted ways with the lake.

We walked through the trees and back to the cabins. As we got closer, I could still see many of the people inside fast asleep through the window. At least in our cabin no one had woken up. Instead of going in our cabin, I suggested we check out the Penetrators cabin to check if it had dried or not. Surely the water had dried, but there much damage had been done. They were definitely going to have to pay for the repairs.

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