twenty seven

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[six and a half beers and a coat]

Friday 7:14 pm

"Bye Mom! By Mila!"I yelled from behind the front door with just my head peaking out, trying to get the least amount of cold air on me.

Mila waved from the backseat window as my mom pulled the car out of the drive, giving me a final way before driving off. They were both of to my grandparents house in St. Hanshaugen for the weekend. They were a bit of a drive away but nothing crazy far. I was supposed to tag along, but I had group project I needed to get done Saturday afternoon with the girls, and so I stayed back at the house.

It felt nice to have the place to myself for once. As much I loved Mila and Mom, it was just so much commotion in the house 24/7. Having this peace and quiet felt nice. The girls threw around the idea of having a party at my place tonight, but I shot that down so fast. The last time I had a party here it was a mess to clean up, and besides that I wasn't in the mood to socialize all that much. It looked like it was going to be a sober weekend for me, and I kind of liked the idea of that, for once.

Patting my rumbling tummy, I made my way to the kitchen. Some money had been left for me to order so food or go out and eat. I decided to make it a night in for myself instead. As I rummaged through the fridge and cabinets, I gathered up what I had to get an idea of what to make for dinner. I was left with loads of veggies, coconut milk, and some spices. I decided to go for a veggie Thai curry. After finding an easy recipe I began.

I threw my chopped veggies into the pot to sauté for a bit, before going in the coconut milk and curry paste. I grabbed my phone from my counter to see what the girls or Chris was up to.

Asshole: what are your plans for tonight? (;

Saskia: a night in. making some curry.

Asshole: you got enough for two?

Saskia: what? no party tonight?

Asshole: well if you're not going then why would i?

Saskia: hmm so you're suddenly craving curry now..

Asshole: suddenly i am... maybe something a little more than that too

Saskia: yeah you're better off at that party

Asshole: SAS let me come over i miss u

Saskia: you saw me 2 hours ago chris

Asshole: i dont think there are enough hours in the day for me to get enough of you

Saskia: this sweet talking really gets you everything, doesn't it?

Asshole: not yet...

Saskia: i do have curry for two...just curry !

Asshole: yeah alright lets take it as it comes... im on my way (:

I quickly added the curry paste, coconut milk, and over spices before almost burning the veggies. After mixing it for a bit, I turned down the heat and bit and covered it to let it sit for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I poured my washed rice into our rice cooker and everything was set for dinner. Mila had left the house a bit of a mess, so I cleaned up the living room a bit and then ran upstairs to change out of my pajamas I had been in since I had gotten from hanging out with Chris.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now