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[small talk and messy plans]

Friday 6:20 am

My alarm blared and I wondered if this was what hell actually sounded like. I groaned, sitting up in my bed and pulling open the blinds. The sun was starting to rise and as beautiful as it was, it was not worth waking up this early every single day.

I instinctively reached for my phone and checked my notifications. The girls were discussing plans to throw a party at one of our places for next weekend. I read through the many messages I had missed since I had fallen asleep so early. I checked my other messages and found some from Chris.

Asshole: Morning pipsqueak.

Saskia: You ruined my morning.

Asshole: How can this face ruin your morning?

Asshole: How can this face ruin your morning?

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Saskia: I know what you're trying to do.

Asshole: What exactly is that?

Saskia: I'm not hooking up with you.

Asshole: Wasn't my intention, but I'm glad that ran through your mind (;

I groaned in frustration at how he always won at these little disputes we had. Instead of texting him back, I put down my phone and forced myself to get ready for school. I was happy that it was Friday, and that I could nap once I got back home.

After showering, I threw on a maroon turtle neck and some black distressed jeans. As my hair air dried, I went downstairs and sat down for breakfast with my mom and Milla. Milla was dressed in her uniform and since my mom was working an earlier shift now, I was left to drop Milla to school.

My mom kissed us goodbye and was out the door, leaving Milla and I to finish up our toast. Once we were done, I put on some cartoons for her while I finished up getting ready. I packed my things into my backpack and rushed downstairs so none of us would be late to school.

Milla's school started earlier than mine, so I had to go ahead and walk her to school which was only a five minute walk. As for me, I was far too early for the bus and would probably have to walk to school. The walk was only 15
minutes, but when it was this cold out who actually wanted to.

We left the house and I held onto Milla's hand. She skipped happily, while I walked beside her admiring how joyful she looked.

"You know, I can count all the way to 2 bazillion!" She exclaimed, boasting about her counting skills.

"No way! I can't even do that!" I exaggerated my actions, getting her to feel proud over herself and it was the cutest thing in the world.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now