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[water fights and sleepovers]

Saturday 5:35 am

It was the first day of winter break and I was up before the sun was shining in the sky. I should be asleep until 12 pm, but we all had to leave early to get to the cabin. Sana was driving all of us and I was thankful for being the last stop, because I could only imagine how early the other girls had to be ready.


Eva: come outside!

Vilde: can I use your bathroom? i might pee myself

Noora: she didn't pee when we told her to smh

Saskia: sure vilde, be quick!!!

Vilde: we are here and im running to ur door

I opened my front door, sure enough to see Vilde running for her life to get to the bathroom. She whizzed past me, and I could hear the bathroom door slam shut. The girls were laughing at Vilde's urgency as I tossed my bag into the trunk.

I went back to the house, waiting for Vilde to come out so I could lock up. Minutes passed, before she finally came out and I locked my front door. We jogged to the SUV that Sana had borrowed from her parents, and were on our way to the cabins. I was feeling exhausted, so it had occurred to me that watching conspiracy theory documentaries  at 2 am wasn't my brightest idea. With that I snoozed.


7:46 am

I felt fingers poking at my face, and I woke to see Vilde with a confused expression on her face. Her expression cleared up as she saw my eyes open, staring back at her with irritation. I attempted to stretch in my seat, before moving my head off of the window. It was still too early for this shit, but at least the sun was up.

We were already parked and beside Vilde and I, the rest of the girls were putting all the things we had brought into our cabin. I opened my door, with the cold air and bright sunlight harshly waking me up completely. We were the first bus that had arrived, meaning we could get our cabin set up before the rest of the chaotic buses arrived.

I grabbed my bag and whatever else I could fit in my hands, and made my way to the cabin. There were six of us, so the bunkbed situation was evenly divided. I claimed a bottom bunk that was between another bunk and open space since I was convinced that if I slept on the top, I would most likely roll off the bed. Based on the bags beside me, I was sleeping beside Noora, and next to her was Chris (The female Chris, because each bus has a separate cabin. How do I differentiate between the two Chris' without saying Penetrator Chris every fucking time.).

Noora and Sana filled the kitchen with the snacks and food we had brought for ourselves, while Chris and Vilde checked out the living space and bathrooms. Eva flopped onto my bed, pulling me down beside her. I could honestly sleep for another 8 hours right now.

"You wanna check out the outdoor area with me?" Eva asked me, hesitantly sitting up right from her brief laying position.

I nodded and got up, following her out the front door. The way the cabins were set up were three cabins, ours being the middle one, set in a curved position that overlooked the lake in front of us. Between the lake and cabins was open ground, picnic tables and benches, and lastly a fire pit. I was honestly clueless as to how we had afforded this place.

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