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[a boy and his book]

Friday 9:14 pm

I was passed the blunt that had seemed to make its way around the whole party, but continued to pass it instead of taking a hit. Smoke had clouded up the room and I began to cough due to the lack of fresh air, and strong odor of weed that ran through the house. I didn't even know who's house this was.

Noora pulled me towards her and we started dancing. The only difference was that she wasn't really feeling like partying this time, and I found that to be good. As usually, I didn't want to be here and I was actually getting quite hungry. Then again when was I not.

"Could we leave please?" I shouted over the music, closer to her ear so she could hear me properly.

"Ya. Let's get some food." She said, waving the keys to William's porsche in front of my face and I was surprised he gave her the keys.

I grabbed her hand, and pulled us out of the party. We made our way to the front and I saw Chris pressed up against a brunette. My pace slowed down, when I didn't even mean to. I paused, looking at him and what he was doing. Noora was busy texting William where we were going to notice.

As always I was unbothered by whatever Chris pleased to do with himself and the next girl he had moved on to, but this time something didn't feel right. For the very first time, I actually cared about who he was hooking up with. It was absolutely stupid of me to even give a damn about it, because this was simply the way he was.

Nothing or no one could possibly change Chris Schsitad.

I pulled Noora along with me, trying to push Chris out of my mind. We made it out and jogged down the stairs to the lobby. Noora unlocked William's car as we approached it. We both hurried into the car that was all fancy on the inside and Noora gave me a smile before starting the car.

We sped past the lights illuminated by the buildings in the city and turned into a little alley of restaurants. Noora found a spot in front of this pizza place and attempted to parallel park. After 2 tries she made it in and I didn't complain because it probably would have taken me 40.

We stepped out the car, looking like absolute showstoppers but I wasn't complaining. The neon sign's audible static grew louder as we approached it and finally entered the small place. It was fairly vacant and we ordered a pizza for us, and to wait we took a seat by the window. I extended my legs across the open space on my side of the booth and Noora did the same on hers.

"You wanna tell me what happened at the party?" Noora asked, raising an eyebrow at me and her red lips making this intimidating.

"What happened?" I brushed away her suspicion, not wanting to confront my developing, hell I didn't know what they were, for Chris.

"You stopped for a minute Sas." Her raised eyebrow lowered and she gave me a much more sympathetic look.

"I was just seeing what poor girl was going to get his sweatshirt next." I was lying, but this time I wasn't convincing.

"Sas, do you?" She asked me, not really teasing me but asking in all seriousness.

"No-I don't know." I held my head in my hands, frustrated that I was letting a guy, who wasn't even a decent human, control my every thought.

"How does he make you feel?" Noora asked me a simple question and millions of mixed answers flooded my mind.

"Insane." I sighed, not knowing if that was really a good or bad thing.

"That's how I felt around William before we ended up where we are now." She raised her eyebrows with a grin spread from cheek to cheek.

"That's not helping!" I whined, not able to picture myself and Chris to ever be close to what Noora and William were.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now