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[a favor and skipping class]

Tuesday 8:24 am

The girls and I had completely taken over the table outside. I had arrived to school pretty early this morning since my mom started dropping Milla off to school. She was still mad at me and I was sure something else was going on with her, but I couldn't risk taking anymore stress to ask. I sat between Noora and Sana, as all of them discussed some Russ stuff that I was not really interested in.

"Where were you last night?" Noora whispered to me, keeping her eyes focused on the rest of the girls so it wasn't obvious.

"Home. Mom's still upset with me." I told her, mimicking her actions, since the last play I wanted to talk about my family problems was at school.

"So Sassie, are you going to tell us about your secret lover you are seeing?" Vilde wiggled her eyebrows up and down at me, and I was confused to how she even knew.

"Huh?" I played it safe, waiting for her to clarify what this was all about.

"Um Penetrator Chris?" Sana blantly stated, and Vidle as well of the rest of the girls looked shocked.

"Wait, Sassie is seeing Penetrator Chris?! I was just teasing her since she stopped coming to parties and stuff after school." Vilde look absolutely shocked, and my face turned bright pink as all eyes were on me for an explanation.

"C'mon, don't act like you didn't know they had some type of thing going on." Sana pointed out, assuming all of this was obvious to everyone else too.

"I wasn't seeing him before." I clarified Sana's accusation, not really reducing how much Vidle was still genuinely shocked.

"I knew she was fucking someone." Chris Berg seemed proud of herself for thinking she knew what was going on as she chewed on her plastic spoon she was eating yogurt with.

"Hey, we haven't fuck or really even done anything. I don't even think he likes me. I mean he is Penetrator Chris." I shot down her statement, somewhat relieved that now they all knew and Noora wasn't the only one.

"Well if he has been after you from as long as Sana knew about this, then he obviously feels something for you and isn't using you for hookups since you haven't before." Vilde pointed out, now getting excited since I really had not much involvement with boys.

"Fucking hell, you like him." Eva exclaimed, speaking for the first time on this topic, with the biggest grin on her face.

"I don't like him." I claimed, but it was very unconvincing.

"Yeah and Noora doesn't like William. Complete bullshit." Sana brushed away what I had said, and Noora was sat laughing at the comment.

"Oh shit here he comes." Vilde nervously spoke, confusing us all as to why she was nervous, and we turned back to see Chris and William walking our way.

We casually went back to our conversation about the buss stuff, and Chris and William show up. William placed his hands on top of Noora's shoulders, giving them a small squeeze. I avoided eye contact with Chris making this all seem awkward when I'm the only one really feeling that. Chris, on the other hand, had no problem. He stood on the opposite side of the table, almost staring me down.

I frowned at him, and instead he just smiled. I rolled my eyes, hoping no one is caught all this, but I already felt Vilde staring at the both of us. I looked over at her, gesturing for her to stop that, and then I looked back at Chris, who was busy typing away on his phone. From an assumption, I check my phone for a message from him, but have none. I tapped on his name under my messages, and see he is typing.

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