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[names and games]

Monday 6:55 am

I grabbed a piece of toast from the table, and used my lips as a clip to hold it while I pulled on my olive green jacket. I took the toast out from between my lips and took a huge bite, rushing to finish my breakfast so I wouldn't be terribly late. With my bag on my shoulders, I was ready to catch the bus for school.

"Bye mom! Bye Milla!" I shouted into the house, not knowing if they had even heard
me, but I assumed they knew that I had left.

I adjusted my scarf that hugged my neck once I got outside and realized how much cooler it was today. My hands were cooped up in my pockets, too cold to be removed. Soon enough my bus was here, and I got on grabbing a seat towards the front of the mostly empty seats.

My head leaned against the window as I watched all the houses pass by and the sunrise. My fingers traced small doodles through the condensation that blanketed the windows. Within moments I had reached a block from the school. I got off at that stop and walked the rest of the way to school.


I was given strange looks while walking towards my friends due to the fact that I was holding Chris' sweatshirt. I completely opposed this idea of objectifying woman as if they are some prizes you win, so it only felt proper to return it. Once I had made it to Noora, Eva, Sana, Vilde, and Chris, I squeezed in beside Vilde on the bench.

I had walked in on a harmless argument Noora and Vilde were having regarding how drunk Vilde actually was at the party last Friday. I grinned with Sana, while watching these two bicker for no apparent reason. It was quite amusing to see what possible excuses Vilde could come up with to deny that she was completely wasted.

"I drank more than usual because I had an itchy throat, so I needed some beverage." Vilde used this as an attempted excuse, when in reality she had not even a cough to back up her story.

Noora gave her a funny look and I think that was the end of that discussion. A pair of arms looped themselves onto Noora's shoulders, and she automatically knew who it was. William leaned down and kisses her forehead, and she made a disgusted face on purpose.

"Wait who's hoodie is that?" Eva asked with her eyes trying to make out what the hoodie said, and soon enough everyone's attention was on what response I had.

"I met this girl at a party and she asked me to hold onto her jacket but when the cops busted the party, I didn't have the chance to return it." I lied straight to their faces, because I knew in the back of their heads they would think I had something to do with Christoffer if I mentioned him and I didn't want that.

"Speaking of the party, who ended up giving you that ride home?" Noora questioned me, and I paused for a brief moment.

"Oh I found a cab." I calmly answered her question, hoping she wouldn't answer me with a following one, but Noora was Noora.

"Wait, but who was the guy I would hear in back talking about the cops?" She was persistent with these questions and wanted to know every minuscule detail.

"I got out of the house with a group of kids, so once one of them shouted "cops", I just jumped into a cab." I tried to give enough detail to satisfy Noora's curiousity and she dropped it, but by the look on her face I knew that she was aware of me lying about all this.

One problem with me was that I was awfully good at lying. It became this sort of habit to camouflage myself from any incoming problems. I knew I didn't have the mental capacity to even deal with any more drama and stress than what I was with now.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now