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[serenading and boy talk]

Friday 7:03 pm

Somehow I had been convinced to go to Isak's party and I really didn't know how. Maybe it was Vilde's constant talk about it or Eva's amazement in how hard I had partied last week. This party was back at Noora's old place, before she had moved in with William, and I could remember our days during our first year. Isak's place was fairly far from mine, so I most definitely needed a ride from William and Noora.

Saskia: Can you give me a ride to Isak's?

Noora: Are you not coming for drinks at Eva's before we go?

Saskia: No. Were you just gonna go with the girls?

Noora: Ya, but you can still try to get William to take you.

Saskia: Alright, thanks. I'll see you soon.

I pulled up my messages with William and sent him out a text. He said he was riding with someone else, but said that I could come with him. I had a strong feeling that this person was Chris or some other horny penetrator, but I only had to sit in the car with them for 10 minutes, so I could manage.

Since William and his ride would be coming by at 7:40, I had 35 minutes to get ready. I walked over to my closet, pushing through the hangers of clothing in hopes of finding something to wear for the party. When it came to party clothing, I had practically nothing since my closet was full of basic colors and stripes.

I found something suitable, if an all black outfit of a plain top and skinny jeans with boots counted, then I had gotten myself ready. After throwing my hair into a ponytail, I was done and all that took me 30 minutes. I knew I wasn't going to able to keep track of my purse, so I grabbed my phone and some cash to stuff into my jean pockets.

William: We are outside. It's the black mercedes.

Wow, could my life have gotten any more predictable? Of course it was Chris Schistad and I could already see this turning into a big cliché situation between us. I jogged down the stairs and out the door. The cold air accompanied by the wind practically pushed me to the car. I jumped into the backseat and we were off.

"Looking good Saskia. Tonight could be our night." Chris snickered and I could see his eyes staring at me through the rear view mirror, when instead his eyes should have been on the road.

"I only hook up with guys that last longer than 2 minutes Schistad." My comment drove William into a contagious laughing fit, and soon enough all of us were on the verge of tears, making the car ride a lot less tense.


Isak's place was fairly crowded and it was only 8. I knew this place would be so congested with people by the 9, and it would be impossible to even make it through the door. The girls weren't here yet and William had gone off to the other Penetrators. Chris on the other hand had already found a girl to hook up with, but either way I wasn't going to hang around him at this party.

I went over to Isak and Even, who were standing in the kitchen.

"Saskia, you made it!" Isak exclaimed, pulling me into a hug and Even joined in, making me sandwiched in between the two.

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