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[a terrace and a phone call]

Saturday 5:24 pm

All of us had come out to I guess a late lunch or early dinner. By all of us I meant my bus, some of the Penetrators, and a new addition to our group, the balloon squad. Eva and I had come up with the name and stuck with it. This group was just Sana's brother's buss, and after seeing them around more, we all began to become acquainted with them.

Instead of ordering our own meals, we really just got some drinks and small appetizers. I wasn't sure whose idea it was to sit outside on the terrace when the inside of the restaurant could seat us all, but I was starting to get a little cold. I was wedged between Berg and one of guys from the balloon squad named Mutta, I think.

(Below is a picture Mutta, if you weren't clear on who he was. WHAT A BABE (; !! )

The balloon squad was far more funnier than I thought

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The balloon squad was far more funnier than I thought. Elias, Sana's brother, kept messing with Sana. Actually seeing someone not afraid to provoke her was quite amusing, although I'm sure she wanted to kill the girls for inviting the balloon squad here.

I took a sip of my coke, making eye contact with Chris for the first time since we got here. Even though he arrived slightly later, once again we hadn't talked since what happened yesterday. It was disappointing since I didn't think he would treat me like that, but I knew better than to expect that much out of him. I gave myself no other choice, but to let it go.

Chris smirked at me, giving me a wink from the opposite side of the table. All of us were squeezed on this almost completely circular couch. I purposely rolled my eyes at him with a small smile on my face. He then proceeded to make more faces at me, and I did the same back, hoping no one would notice.

The conversations everyone was having amongst themselves led to myself having a conversation with Mutta. Mutta was a fairly tall guy with dark hair and dark eyes. His hair, which seemed to be slightly long, was tucked back in his snapback. From when he walked in, he was a lot more buff than half of the penetrators. His taller frame and wide shoulders could tower over any of us, but his sweet face and shy personality just made him less intimidating.

He had been pretty reserved for the entirety of the time he had been sitting by me, but once I got a feel for a his personality, it turned out that he was actually pretty interesting. I initiated the conversation, since I knew he wouldn't.  After getting past the awkward, quiet part of the conversation, Mutta began telling me all these funny stories about his buss or stories regarding Sana.

"Elias is always hell bent on bothering Sana. This one time he made a bet with her that he would do what she wanted, if she could toss a ball into a lampshade when Snoop Dog said "Smoke weed everyday" in the song we were listening to." Mutta began, and I was already imagining the outcome of the situation, bringing a toothy grin to my face.

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