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[cheeseburgers and sneaking out]

Thursday 8:23 pm

Chris and I had not spoke of the kiss since it had happened. Apparently he was on those pills I found in his bag, whatever the hell they were, and had no recollection of it at all. All of this was according to William, who I didn't tell Chris and I kissed, but he did state that Chris was really not in his senses. I guess a mix being stoned and drunk made you forget things. Even if he did remember, he probably thought he was tripping out since our chances of hooking up seemed significantly low-yet I was wrong on that.

My thoughts were that was my second chance to not fuck things up again. I didn't want to mess up this time. I was 17 and had never been a relationship. I didn't know what was right or what was wrong. Hell I couldn't tell the difference between being nice and flirting. All I knew was that Christoffer Schistad was not going to be my first boyfriend.

My phone vibrated, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Asshole: round two for that kiss??

He fucking remembered.

Saskia: what kiss ?

I played dumb, hoping he would think he was just imagining things that night.

Asshole: i could show you a lot more things that you wouldn't forget

Saskia: lmao gtg

Asshole: wanna grab some mcdonalds??

Saskia: yes, but not with you

Asshole: why u gotta be so difficult

Saskia: i want to actually enjoy my meal

Asshole: guess you'll be missing out on  nuggets

Saskia: wont be missing much since the burgers are where its at

Asshole: mhm sure

Saskia: have fun at mcdonald's!!!!

Asshole: i dont appreciate you being mean :(
Asshole: at least i will be eating good tonight

I set my phone down and continued shopping online. Actually make that window shopping since I was saving all my damn paychecks to get a car. My broke ass couldn't afford anything and all the clothes out at the moment happened to be extremely cute, so this was complete torture.

"Saskia!" My mom called from downstairs, so I set down my laptop, huffing in annoyance that I couldn't window shop in peace, and headed down to her.

"I'm leaving for work. Milla is asleep. Call me if you need anything." She told me, while scrambling scour the room for her purse and keys.

"Love you." I said, planting a small kiss on her cheek and then I ran back upstairs to my room.

I decided to sit down in the living room, since it just seemed empty down there. My arms tried to carry my laptop, phone, charger, and a blanket as I made my way down. My mom had left and I began setting up my area on the couch, switching on the TV to see what was on.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now