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a/n: should i still continue you this? i feel after the last update got so little feedback, people are starting to lose interest...

[sneaking out and shitty cocoa]

Friday 7:30 pm

I sat up in my room, technically grounded for not prioritizing my responsibilities and having a boy over. Was I fucking 7? I felt pretty capable of taking care of myself. Even though all of this had happened yesterday, I would have thought that mom and I would have been over it by now. She was still giving me an almost silent treatment, only talking to me when food was ready or she wanted me to do something. I honestly didn't care as much and just talked to her as if nothing happened.

It was a bummer that she met Chris that way, because I truly did like him. Chris was Chris and I wasn't even sure if he felt the same. For all I knew, he could have been playing this game with other girls as well. Yet some part of me believed that was pure bullshit and that I was the only girl he was talking to.

I flopped onto my bed, glad my mom didn't take away my phone as I scrolled through Twitter. I stopped replying to snaps for a while since everyone seemed to be at this one party, and yes I felt left out. My fingers tapped onto my messages and I had no new ones, not even from Chris. Chris hadn't texted me since yesterday and I didn't know if he was mad at me.

Saskia: are you mad at me?

Asshole: no, why do you think that?

Saskia: i haven't got your
daily annoying texts ://

Asshole: so cute. you miss me (:

Saskia: maybe i do this time

Asshole: no snarky comments ??
is this really saskia ???

Saskia: fuck you

Asshole: is your mom still upset?

Saskia: she won't talk to me and im grounded

Asshole: fuck im sorry

Saskia: i knew better. its not your fault

Asshole: you should sneak out

Saskia: what the hell?
do you think I want to die?

Asshole: i will buy you food

Saskia: if i get caught i will never be able to talk to you again

Asshole: i promise you wont. i'll text you when to come out ((:

I went downstairs, letting my mom know that I was going to bed. She did this thing where 30 minutes after I told her I was sleeping, she would come in and check on me. In order to kill time, I changed into some black distressed jeans and kept my sweatshirt that I was originally wearing. I left out my slip on vans and then got into bed, checking the time.

I had 15 minutes to kill and scrolled through my notifications to kill most of that time. Around 5 minutes before then, I put my phone away and pretended to sleep. Just as I predicted, my mother came in to check on me, letting the hallway light peer into my room. After she could see me, she shut the door.

insane // chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now