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Follow @thevampsmill for a fan-freaking-tastic James Mcvey story! So so good:)

“Nothing, Bullshi- I mean, Brad Simpson.” Tristan said quickly. Brad looked between us with his eyebrows wrinkled and then shrugged, flopping on the couch.

“What’re we watching?” He asked, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. Connor and I exchanged a look and pulled open the cabinet.

“Uh, what abouttttt Amityville Horror?” I suggested.

“YES!” Connor exclaimed.

“Nooooo.” Groaned Tristan, snatching the film from my hands and putting it on top of the TV stand where I couldn’t reach it. “Let’s watch something funny.” Tristan suggested. I sighed and turned back around, looking through the titles.

“What about Superbad?” Connor suggested. I gasped and nodded, grabbing the DVD.

“I love this movie! Jonah Hill is a legend!” I exclaimed.

“Right!?” Brad agreed, turning on the tele while I put the film in. I grabbed a soda and climbed onto the swivvely arm chair while Connor, Brad and Tristan shared the large sofa. We dimmed the lights, letting the commercials play and laughing at all of the movies that had already been released.

“Where’s James?” I asked suddenly realizing the boy I was meant to be dating was no where to be found.

“He’s out in the hall waiting for the food.” Brad said, not even glancing away from the tele.

“And you just left him there... alone?” I giggled. Brad shrugged, still not looking up. I laughed and grabbed the extra soda, walking behind the couch and out into the front hall. I spotted James sitting alone, looking all lonely and secluded on the hall floor in the corner.

Pulling my phone out, I took a picture and uploaded it to Instagram. Social networking was now my friend if I wanted to convince people James and I were close.

And here we have @iamjamesmcvey sitting alone in a corner. #lonely

I captioned it, putting my phone in my pocket before approaching James. “Hey, James.” I said, holding out the extra can. He smiled up at me and took it, cracking it open and taking a sip. I awkwardly bent over, trying to figure out how to sit down. James chuckled, holding out his hand for me to take so I had some balance, and I slid down to sit next to him, pulling my knees to my chest.

“Very graceful.” James commented, and I let a giggle escape.

“One of my many wonderful qualities.” I replied wistfully, and James laughed, grinning over at me.

“Of all the people Joe could have arranged this with, I can honestly say I’m glad it was you.  You’re a cool girl, Elizabeth.” James said sincerely. I smiled, meeting his eyes and pursing my lips to keep a grin from stretching over my face.

“You’re a cool-er guy, James.” We laughed at my cheesiness and both took a sip of our drinks before speaking again.

“So, can I please have a nickname for you? Saying Elizabeth is just a hassle.” James pointed out, leaning his head back against the wall.

“True. What would you rather call me?” I asked. James thought for a moment.

“How about I list some and you tell me what one you like best?” He suggested. I nodded.

“Hit me.” I said confidently, taking a sip of my soda.

“Hmmm, Ellie?” I shook my head. “El?” Nope. “Ella?” Nada. “Beth?” Ew, never. “Lizzie?” I shook my head for a fifth time, biting my lip. This was hopeless.

“What about just... Liz?” James asked, looking over at me. I stayed still for a moment. “You look like a Liz.” James added, inspecting my face.

“Liz.” I repeated, seeing how the name rolled off my tongue. The name tasted sweet in my mouth, not too girly or young like Ellie or Lizzie, not too old like Beth or Ella, but just right.

“Liz Watson.” James said aloud, repeating it over and over in different voices until I was doubled over laughing.

“Stop! I’m going to wet myself.” I begged, and James finally gave up, laughing.

“Hold it, I don’t think we have a mop anywhere.” He said seriously. I stopped laughing and gave him an amused look, my eyebrows raised and my mouth in a half smile. James snorted and shook his head.

“I don’t even know where that one came from.” He admitted, chuckling to himself. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and James got to his feet, holding out his hands and helping me up. James opened the door, greeting the delivery girl, who was very pretty and curvy, with dark brown hair and big blue eyes, nothing like me and my wispy blonde hair and green eyes.

“That’ll be 43.56,” The girl said in a strong Welsh accent. I bit my lip. South Shields accents sounded so gross and improper compared to Welsh accents.

“Want to go change into something more comfy? Just take whatever you want from my room, first door on the left, Love.” James adressed me, giving me a ‘loving’ smile. I nodded, smiling sweetly back.

“Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute. Thank you for the food, by the way.” I said, trying to be polite to the delivery girl, because I know how much I hate rude customers.

“No problem, it pays for the gas so I’m happy to do it.” She laughed good-naturedly. I giggled, nodding.

“I know the feeling. I work all day in a bakery, sometimes you just want to give up and eat someone else’s order.” I admitted. The girl laughed and nodded enthusiastically.

“If I have to sit through one more car ride with this in the back seat, someone is going to be missing an order of orange chicken.” She joked.

“My orange chicken’s still in there, right?” James asked. The girl and I both laughed and I rolled my eyes at her, earning a smile.

“Okay, thanks again! I’ll be right back, James.” I said, waving at the girl over my shoulder and taking the stairs. First door on my left... Inside was surprisingly neat, and judging from the pictures of James and another young girl, as well as a pretty girl with black hair and an attractive boy with wavy chestnut hair, I assumed this was James’ room. I opened his wardrobe hesitantly, searching it with my eyes before touching anything, and then picking a jumper and some boxers. I closed the door and stripped quickly, pulling on his clothes and rolling the boxers so they fit more like shorts before folding my clothes and setting them on the dresser.

My stomach growled, and I headed to the stairs, ready for some fried rice and a little bit of acting.

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