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"What do you want to see?" James asked, standing in front of the movie theatre and looking at what was playing.

"What about Despicable Me 2, since you liked the first one so much." I suggested. James agreed, taking my hand and leading us into the theatre, where he bought tickets and I got us two drinks and a popcorn. We settled in the back row of the theatre with the snacks between us, James sticking popcorn in my crimped hair because it stuck easily and blended in well so I couldn't see it.

"James, cut it out!" I whined, plucking the popcorn out and throwing it at him while he laughed.

"How would you feel if I messed up your hair?" I asked angrily.

"I don't care." James shrugged. I reached out to mess up his hair and he ducked.

"I thought it was a theoretical question!" James said quickly, covering his head.

"Theoretically I would kick your ass." I shot back, and we both laughed. I heard giggling behind us and glanced over, seeing two girls who were whispering and watching us.

"There are two girls with phones behind us who clearly know who you are, so I guess we're not in the clear tonight." I whispered. James nodded, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and grabbing a piece of popcorn, shoving it in my mouth while I stared straight ahead, laughing and trying to keep my mouth closed so he couldn't get the popcorn in my mouth.

"James!" I scolded when he broke another piece of popcorn on my face that dropped onto my top. Because we thought we wouldn't get seen, I wasn't dressed very nicely, just in a black skater skirt and an ACDC crop top with a cardigan, so the popcorn was falling down my top and landing on my lap. I dusted myself off before throwing a piece of popcorn at his face.

"Hey now!" James scolded back, teasing me. He caught my eyes and we both made fake angry faces before laughing.

"These commercials are long." I pointed out, and James nodded.

"What are we seeing again." James asked, looking at me.

"You're the one who bought the tickets!" I laughed.

"I just wanted to spend time with you, I could care less about what movie we see." James said cutely, making me blush.

"We're seeing Despicable Me 2, moron." I teased, poking his stomach. "That would have worked out better if your abs weren't rock solid." I stated flatly.

"You're not complaining." James teased, and I shrugged, blushing.

"Also true." I giggled. James laughed, leaning in a kissing me quickly before I could stop him. I frowned at him, and James just shrugged, kissing me again, but slightly longer this time. He pulled away and grinned at me.

"Stop it." I laughed.

"Stop what?" James asked defensively.

"I don't know, stop being all handsome and nice and stuff." I said, at a loss for what to say.

"Nahhhhh you like me." James teased. I bit my lip and frowned at him.

"Dang it, you got me." I said sarcastically. James laughed, pulling me closer to him as the movie began. I had to give the writer credit, it was not a crappy sequel, it was actually quite good. James and I were laughing our asses off at the Backstreet Boys reference, and I swear James almost died when they did the Village People.

"That was really good!" James said, stretching as the credits rolled.

"Definitely. See, you cared about the movie." I teased.

"That's not why I came, though." James shot back. I gave him and look and stood up, stretching. James stood as well, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind around my bare stomach, seeing as my shirt was lifted when I stretched.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" James asked, letting me go and taking my hand as we left the theatre.

"Uh, how aboutttt we just eat whatever you have at home?" I suggested. James agreed, and we headed towards his car. The two girls from the theatre stopped us before we got there though, grinning like mad.

"Oh my god! You're James Mcvey and Elizabeth Watson." One of them exclaimed.

"In the flesh." James joked. The girls squealed and hugged him, getting him to sign things and taking selfies with him and completely ignoring me, even going as far as to shoot me skeptical looks. When they finally walked off, James took my hand and lead me to the car.

"Well that was rude." He commented.

"Tell me about it."

Smile for the Camera || James McveyWhere stories live. Discover now