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"Look at the happy couple!" Brad cooed, walking into the kitchen while James and I sat next to each other at the table, messing around and stealing bites of each other's breakfast. I admit I regret choosing fruit over this weird oatmeal mixture he had, which was actually amazing.

"Brad, that was cute the day after we started dating, but it's been a week and a half. The least you could do is find a new joke." I commented, popping a blackberry into my mouth. James laughed and nodded, grinning up at Brad.

"It's not a joke, it's an observation." Brad defended.

"Well defend something else, Curly." I responded, earning a loud laugh from James. Brad pretended to be hurt, pouring himself some more tea.

"James, your girlfriend is bullying me." Brad said.

"It's not bullying, it's honesty. But you know I still love you, Brad." James said. I pretended to gag as they hugged dramatically, taking a picture and putting it on Instagram.

@ElizabethW01: Too much Jadley for me to handle at the moment. I regret eating so much for breakfast.

I uploaded the picture, putting my phone away when James rejoined me at the table, stealing a raspberry and popping it into his mouth. "So what are we doing today?" James asked. I shrugged, spearing some mango on my fork and eating it while I tried to think of something.

"I give up. It's quite nice outside, though. What about a walk or something?" I suggested. James nodded, thinking.

"We could do to Alton Towers?" He suggested, checking the time on his phone.

"I've never been." I confessed. James choked on his juice and started at me, wiping his mouth.

"You've never been to Alton Towers?" James gasped. I shook my head, eating some more mango. James snatched my fork from me, grabbing my plate.

"Go get dressed, we're leaving in ten minutes. You can finish this in the car." James said, pulling me out of my chair and shoving me to the stares.

"Jesus, I never realised you felt so strongly about Alton Towers, James!" I giggled, climbing the stairs.

"Hurry up!" James whined. I laughed and headed to his room, grabbing my clothes from my bag and pulling them on. I'd brought the outfit James and I had worked out together with me last night, and pulled on my jean high-waisted shorts, tiger print top, and gold plaited sandals, putting my hair into a ponytail with some braided and twisted bits and putting on some light makeup. When I was ready I skipped down the stairs, seeing James waiting anxiously by the door with a baggy of fruit. I giggled at him, grabbing my phone and fruit.

"Bye, Liz and I are going to Alton Towers!" James called, closing the door before getting a response and leading the way to his car. We climbed in, turned on the radio, and jammed all the way to Alton Towers while I finished my brekke. When we arrived, James' knee was bouncing excitedly.

"Last time I was here I met half of Little Mix." He said. "Perrie and Jesy." James added. I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out of the car.

"I love them, they're so upbeat. Plus, all of them are gorgeous." I added. James laughed.

"This is the part where I say you're more gorgeous." James said in a weird voice.

"Oh, James, you shouldn't have!" I cooed, both of us laughing. He took my hand and we both put our sunglasses on, heading to the ticket booth. James bought us both tickets and agreed to let me pay for the snacks when we got hungry for lunch. As soon as we were through the gate, I got nervous.

"So I've never been on a rollercoaster before, don't let me die." I said, squeezing James' hand. James laughed and assured me he wouldn't let me die, but I barely heard him over the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.

"We'll start out slow, how about the Feris Wheel?" James asked. I nodded, and we got in line. We leaned against the rail until we got a seat, clambering into the small box and sitting down.

"The Ferris Wheels in America don't even have seatbelts and they swing around, it's terrifying." James said, leaning back and putting his arm around my seat.

"Don't talk about that, please." I begged quietly. James chuckled and awwed at me, noticing how nervous I was.

"I bet you're going to end up loving rollercoasters." James told me, squeezing my shoulder. I shrugged, clutching the rail and breathing deeply. James talked about random, unrelated stuff, and I knew he was trying to keep me distracted to that I was less nervous. It was actually quite sweet, really. We rode the Ferris Wheel a few times around before we started unloading, and I'd finally relaxed.

"I actually quite liked that." I admitted when we got off, following the others to the exit. James laughed and said something along the lines of 'I told you so' before dragging me to some spinny ride, which had almost no line. This was a bit more exciting, and I loved it. As soon as we were off the ride, I was begging to go on more.

"Slow down!" James laughed, trying to keep up with me as I tried to drag him to the next ride.

"James!" A girl, surrounded by three other girls, called out. James stopped, pulling me with me to the girls. "Oh, my god! We love you so much!" The girls squealed. James laughed, chatting and signing a few things while I stood next to him, chatting to one of the girls.

"Are you Elizabeth?" One of the girls finally asked. I glanced up, nodding and smiling. "Oh, are you his girlfriend?" She asked. James watched me for my answer. I remembered we wanted to wait another week before telling people, so I just smiled brightly.

"He's all yours." I assured her. The girl grinned, and they finally started including me in the conversation. After a good ten minutes James told them I really wanted to go on another ride and that they should go enjoy their day. I took a picture of them with James before waving goodbye and heading off in the opposite direction.

"You handled that well." James said, taking my hand as we walked to another ride, and put his sunglasses back on.

"I guess I'm getting more used to it." I shrugged. James smiled, and laughed.

"I meant the girlfriend question. Like, you didn't say you weren't, but you didn't say we were either." James explained. I nodded, making an O with my mouth.

"Right, that's what I was aiming for." I admitted. James nodded, and we got on the end of a fairly long line. For the most part we chatted or played a hand-slapping game or 'cuddled' because there were some girls a few people ahead of us who clearly knew who we were.

When we finally boarded the ride, I held James' hand like a vice.

"I might actually regret this a little bit." I said loudly.

"Just a little." James replied, and I realized I was probably hurting his hand. The ride started and I screamed the whole time, but as soon as we stopped I realized that it was a lot more fun than I had thought.

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