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Hey readers! I just started a five part One Direction series called the Carver High series, the first installment is called Paper Hearts || NH and I would love done reads and votes!!

“Ready?” James asked. I grinned and nodded, hopping to my feet. I followed the boys down to the pool, dropping my bag by a chair and pulling off my clothes before lying down on the chair to tan.

“Damn, that’s a nice swimsuit.” James noted. I laughed and threw my shirt at him, putting on my sunglasses. I relaxed for a while and tanned while the boys filmed themselves messing around in the pool. After an hour I felt something dripping on my back.

“Can I help you?” I asked James, who was standing over me. James nodded, bending over and grabbing me, tossing me over his shoulder.

“Don’t you dare throw me into that pool or I won’t kiss you for a week.” I screamed. James stopped walking to the pool, considering this.

“Is that a genuine threat?” James asked.

“Yes.” I responded.

“Fine. Will you please get in the pool, baby?” James asked. I sighed and thought for a second.

“Fine.” I grumbled. The boys cheered and James dropped me into the pool, jumping in after me. He pointed the camera at me under the water and I waved at it, my hair floating around me.

“Oooh! You two should do one of those cute underwater kisses!” Tristan squealed. James and I exchanged a look and then shrugged. and Tristan dove under and filmed us. James and I both ducked under the water and grabbed hands, pulling eachother closer and pressing our lips together, air bubbles drifting away from our lips. When we resurfaced Tristan awwed, showing it to the others. James pushed all my hair back from my face, giving me another short kiss.

“Did you fart? Cos you blew me away.” James said. I giggled and kissed him again, realising how kissing James didn’t even seem weird anymore, it seemed... nice.

“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t seem to take them off of you.” I replied. James laughed loudly and splashed me, and pretty soon we were all in a splash war. It ended when I accidentally hit Brad in the face.


We were all exhausted and decided to get some more sun, because all of us pasty Brits really needed it. After an hour of lying around and talking we all decided to go back inside and clean up for dinner at Venice Beach.

I showered first and changed while James was showering and Connor was in the other room. I decided on a grey t-shirt dress that was basically a plain tee shirt that reached half way down my thighs. I wore it with a long necklace with a key on it and some gladiator sandals, putting my hair in a braided bun and putting on minimal makeup. I flipped onto the bed and was soon joined by a dressed James while Con showered.

“Can you do my hair?” James asked. “My arms are tired.” He said lamely. I laughed and shrugged, drying his hair with the towel before jelling it up and to the side.

“You’re so handsome.” I said, squeezing his cheeks. James laughed and shoved my hands away.

“You’re not hard on the eyes either, babe.” James shot back, and I blushed. We cuddled until Connor was ready to go and then we walked to Venice Beach, strolling along until we found a nice cafe and decided to eat there. The five of us shared a table and talked to the camera about our visit so far, especially considering it was the first time Connor and I had been to America.

“I dare you to shout ‘I love America.’” Brad said, pointing the camera. I blushed and nodded, seeing a man approach on roller blades in an American flag shirts.

“Hey, sir!” I shouted, waving to him. He waved back. “I FUCKING LOVE AMERICA!” I shouted at him. He cheered and pumped a fist. I blushed and sat back down. The boys were cracking up, and I snatched the camera from Brad.

“I dare you to ask the waitress for her phone number.” I challenged.

“She’s like fourty!” Brad complained. I gave him a look that said ‘I-don’t-care’ and Brad groaned.

“Here’s your food, kiddos. Need anything else?” The lady asked, sliding our food down in front of us.

“Yes please.” Brad said politely.

“What do you need, bud?” She asked. I held back a laugh and Brad let out a breath before looking up at her.

“Your phone number please?” Brad asked. The lady laughed, patting his hair and walked off, and we all burst out laughing, our heads on the table and red in the face.

“Stop laughing at me!” Brad whined.

“I’ve got a good one!” Tristan announced. We calmed down and looked around at him, and Tristan grinned excitedly.

“Connor, I dare you to order a soda, and when she hands it to you drop it. Then do it again when she brings you a new one.” Tristan laughed. We all nodded, and Tristan directed the camera at Connor, who waved a pretty girl down and asked for a coke.

“She’s going to think I’m a spaz.” Connor laughed. We shushed him as she approached, holding out the coke. Connor reached for it, grabbed it, and then let it slip out of his hands as soon as she let go of the glass.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Connor apologized quickly. The girl assured him it was fine and left to get another while we all laughed. The second time Connor dropped the coke we all shouted at him, and Connor went bright red.

“I’m sorry, he’s a little troubled.” I said in a low tone. James snorted and turned away, and Connor frowned. The girl nodded knowingly and came back with a third coke, this time setting it on the table. When she left James dissolved into a fit of laughter.

“He’s troubled?” James laughed loudly. I shrugged and covered my mouth.

“I didn’t want him to get kicked out!” I defended.

“James, I have one for you.” Connor said, and James composed himself, raising his eyebrows.

“I dare you to take off your shirt and eat the rest of your meal wearing your shirt as a headdress.” Connor smirked evilly. James blushed and took off his shirt, putting it on as a headdress, tying it around his hair.

“Tristan!” James said, facing Tristan and taking a bite of his dinner while he thought of something. His face light up and he grinned cheekily. “I dare you to go ask a random girl to kiss you, and if she says no just say, “But I’m British!”” James said, imitating Tristan’s voice. Tris laughed and climbed over the railing, looking around before approaching a brunette girl in a bikini.

James followed with the camera a few feet away. I craned my neck, listening.

“Hey, I’m Tristan.” Tristan said.

“Hi, uh- I’m Anna.” The girl replied, looking at him a bit confused.

“I was wondering if I could have a kiss?” Tristan asked hopefully. The girl laughed and shook her head.

“I don’t even know you!” She replied.

“But I’m British.” Tristan said flatly. The girl was doubled over at this point. When she stopped laughing she looked at Tristan for a few seconds and then shrugged.

“Sure, you can have a kiss.” She agreed.

“Really?” Tristan asked, shocked. Then he quickly shrugged and leaned down, kissing the girl and then thanking her before coming back over.

“I think that sort of backfired.” James mumbled, and we all laughed.

“I bet she was wondering white a shirtless guy in a headdress was filming her.” I giggled.

“You love it, really.” James teased, kissing me on the cheek.

“You’re right, I do.”

Smile for the Camera || James McveyWhere stories live. Discover now