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"What the hell is this?" James snapped, staring angrily at a teen gossip magazine. The boys were on the front page so I'd picked it up at Boots on my way over. I hadn't read it yet, but James had and clearly something was wrong.

"What's it say?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder and setting my tea down. Tristan and Brad were watching in confusion from the other couch, and Connor, who had been about to enter the room, backed out slowly.

"Read it for yourself." James snapped, shoving the magazine in my face before storming off. I shared a confused look with Tristan and Brad before scanning the article, my eyes going wide.

"Read it aloud!" Brad suggested. I let out a shakey laugh and started to read from the beginning.

"After photos surfaced of James Mcvey with his sweetheart Elizabeth Watson, 18, in his hometown of Bournemouth during a week the couple spent with Mcvey's family, a source came forward with some information on the couple. The source says that, after seeing Mcvey and Watson out together the previous week, the relationship is a fraud.

"She's only in it for the money and fame. From the way they acted together it was pretty clear they aren't actually dating. It's all for the publicity." The source informed. "A friend of mine even met Elizabeth at a shopping centre last week and said she was incredibly rude, refusing to take a photo or even act like she was there."" I read, laughing bitterly at the end. As far as I was concerned James and I acted like a pretty real couple, even if she was right that it was fake. And when had anyone approached me last week? Right, never. This was a load of-

"Shit! That's complete shit!" Tristan snapped, taking the magazine from me, scanning it. He rolled his eyes and tossed the magazine to Brad.

"The stupidest part is that there's even a picture of us together in Bournemouth there, and they still think it's some sort of lie." I grumbled, crossing my arms. "Actually, the stupidest part is that I feel like I'm going to cry and I don't even know why." I corrected, my voice cracking. Brad and Tristan looked up at me with both worried and sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Elizabeth, it's just some stupid girl who wants her five minutes of fame. We know it's not fake. Just ignore it, okay?" Brad said, giving me a reassuring look. I shook my head, wiping my eyes to keep the tears in. I grabbed my mug and went to the kitchen, breezing past Connor and setting it in the sink. It was all fake, so why did I feel like I was about to break down in tears?

"Hey, are you okay?" Connor asked. I let out a shaky breath and nodded, still facing away from him. I took some soothing breaths and turning to go, grabbing my bag off the bench and walking right past the boys in the sitting room and walking out the front door. Quickly, I got into my car and rested my head on the steering wheel, tears slipping down my cheeks.

I pulled out my phone and opened up twitter, typing something up before driving off home, the tears streaming down my face.

@ElizabethW01: I can assure you there is nothing fake about the way I feel for James.

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