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"Just sign here." The cashier said, pointing to my reciept. I took the pen and signed, stepping aside to wait for my order to be ready. I leaned against the wall, waiting.

"Hey!" I turned, seeing James walking over.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had to stay." I said, giving him a hug and speaking slightly loud in case there were any fans here.

"Joe told me to come." James whispered in my ear. Then, louder, "I thought you might want a bit of help with that huge order." He chuckled.

I let him go and stepped back, adjusting my bag on my arm. "How kind of you!" I giggled back, smiling up at him. He started chatting about what the plans were for this week, while I half-listened and watched for our order. James was just telling me about how they had to go to the studio on Saturday morning when a girl tapped him on the shoulder. James and I both turned around, and James grinned at the teenage girl.

"Hi James, I'm a massive fan." She said.

"Thanks, love! What's your name?" James asked, smiling brightly at her. She blushed, shoving some brown hair behind her ear.

"Evanna." She said, grinning widely at him.

"Would you like me to take a picture of you, Evanna?" I asked. She nodded, handing me her phone. I took a picture of them, James wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek. A huge smile found itself on my face at how sweet he was being with her. James was a really great guy, more grounded than Joe made him sound.

"Thanks so much." Evanna said, her voice shaky. "Elizabeth, you're so pretty and nice, and you're so lucky you get to be friends with the boys." Evanna gushed, giggling nervously. I blushed and smiled, biting my lip modestly.

"Oh, that's so nice of you to say! They're really great guys, and so lucky to have amazing fans like you." I assured her, accepting the awkward hug Evanna gave me. James chuckled at the panicked look on my face, I have no idea how to handle these things.

"Can I have a picture with both of you?" Evanna asked. James grinned and agreed, but I nervously played with my fingers.

"Both of us?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah!" Evanna urged. She called her mum over and got her to take the picture. James grinned at me, convincing me with his eyes to come over, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me tightly against him. He rested his chin on my shoulder and grinned at the camera, and I smiled brightly as well, Evanna on my other side with me arm around her shoulder. After a few minutes of Evanna asking excited questions and fangirling, our order got called and James said goodbye. Evanna attacked us in another hug before running off to her mother.

"That was overwhelming." I breathed, taking our bag of food. James laughed, stealing the bag from me and inhaling the smell as we stepped out into the street.

"That is the smell of sweet satisfaction." James said, smiling down at me while I laughed.

"Oh, James." I said in a fake condescending tone, and James just laughed and threw an arm around my shoulder.

"Well Evanna liked you." He commented, squeezing me to his side before dropping his arm again, so as not to force even more rumours upon us too quickly.

"Are all of your fans that excited about meeting you?" I asked, stepping back as James opened the studio's front door for me.

"Some of them are calmer, some of them are even more so." He shrugged, smiling to himself.

"What does that mean?" I asked, shocked, looking at James with wide eyes. James laughed and shrugged, hitting the lift button.

"Sometimes they cry, we've even had a couple girls pass out." He said, also seeming a bit weirded out by it. I laughed, slapping a hand over my mouth.

Smile for the Camera || James McveyWhere stories live. Discover now