20. Secrets Revealed

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Hey, just want to quickly apologise for taking so long to update this. I've been rather busy as I've been working quite a bit leading up to Christmas and by the time I got home I was pretty tired and I ended up blobbing out in front of the TV haha

Anyway, so here is (finally) the next chapter. I hope you like it! It's not the best chapter but at least it's something xP


I hear the sound of the door shutting and shoes padding on the soft carpet. The walking stops and I hear a bag fall onto the floor seconds later.

"Amber?!" A familiar voice yells, worry evident in its tone.

I feel an icy hand take hold of my wrist and press down near my veins - likely to be looking for a pulse.

"Oy, would you stop?" I yelp, pulling my hand free from the cold hand.

"You're alive!" The voice yells dramatically.

I open my eyes to find Tessa's green eyes staring intently down at my face. Her jet black hair creates a frame around her face, making her seem picture perfect.

I chuckle and quickly come to terms with the fact that I'm sprawled out over two chairs. I push myself up and lean back against the chair.

"Whoa, girl, what happened to you?" Tessa questions. She looks as though she is torn between wanting to laugh but at the same time she is worried that something terrible has happened.

"Oh, this? I just fell asleep is all," I shrug.

She gives me the once over then, satisfied that I'm fine, she says: "You look as though a bird has created its nest on your head." 

"Gee, thanks," I say, not being able to hide the smile forming on my face.

"No worries," she whistles. "Now, seriously. What happened?"

"I fell asleep."

"I can see that. Don't go working yourself into the ground now, will you? Your audition is tomorrow, you can't afford to look like a homeless person!" She exclaims rather dramatically. 

"Says the one who's wearing torn jeans," I smirk.

"But it's fashion," she defends, placing a hand on her hip.

I chuckle. "And since when did you start caring about fashion?"

"Since I learnt ripped jeans are actually pretty cool."

I give her a once over, noting her torn, white jeans do look rather nice with her royal blue crop top. I simply nod in agreement before standing up and stretching my arms out.

"So... Seriously. What's wrong?" Tessa questions.

"Huh? Nothing. I fell asleep, that's all," I sniff.

"Really?" she presses while walking over to where I had been lying. She indicates to my duffel bag which I had been using as a pillow. "Then why is there a wet blob on your bag?"

"I... Uh," I stumble. "I must have dribbled."

She raises an eyebrow, showing she doesn't believe me.

"Oh really? How would you know whether I've dribbled or not, huh?"

"You stayed the night at my house and I never noticed you dribble," she blatantly says.

"Is that your way of telling me you watched me sleep?"

"I simply woke up during the middle of the night and needed to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I glanced at you for a few minutes to check that you were still asleep and check I hadn't woken you up," she shrugs.

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