21. The Audtition

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Here is another chapter! As a way of apologising for the long waits between updates, I've made this chapter a little longer than usual. Hopefully it is still a good read and hope you like it =)

I'd like to point out that I've never auditioned for a big dance school so I apologise if it's not completely accurate as to what happens in a real audition.

I'll take another quick moment to inform you that there are only going to be a couple more chapters after this before the story will be completed! I'm excited because it will mean that it'll be the first story I've ever actually managed to complete xD


This is it. The moment I've been waiting my whole life for. The day I've been working so hard for these last few months. My audition for Danceworks has finally arrived. You'd think I'd be excited but I'm actually quite petrified.

Mum, on the other hand, is super pumped and ready to go. She really needs to share her enthusiasm. Well, it's easy for her to be so excited, she's not the one who's auditioning. It's not her future career on the line: it's mine. 

"Five minutes," a short brunette chirps up, continuing the countdown.

I take a deep breath in then exhale. I've been doing my regular stretches and barre exercises for the last five minutes. I can feel the butterflies flutter around my stomach. They quicken their pace at each passing second. 

"You ready, sweetie?" Mum questions, returning from her visit to the bathroom.

"Pumped," I smile to help reassure her.

Mum gives me a warm smile back as she parks her butt on the chair she vacated only a couple minutes ago.

"Don't worry, hun, you'll be fine. I've seen you dance and trust me, you can send a lot of these girls running for the hills," she soothes, sensing my worry.

"Thanks, mum," I smile before giving her a hug. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" She asks, pulling away.

"That I'm nervous," I reply and look down at the floor in shame.

Placing her hand on my chin, my mum pulls my face up so I'm now looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Because I'm a mother and mother's know everything," she smirks.

I let out a small chuckle.

"Well, that and the fact that I can see your hands and legs shaking from inside the bathroom," she jokes.

I widen my eyes in fear. "Really?"

"No," she laughs.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. "Phew, that would be horrible if it were true. Don't do that to me again!" I groan while swatting at her arm playfully.

"No promises," she says, giving a sly smile.

Just as I'm about to comment on her latest revelation, the short brunette pipes up again.

"Okay," the brunette says, clapping her hands together. "Here's how it's going to work: first, we'll have groups of ten people dancing on the floor at one time. Starting from dancer's with surname's beginning with A and ending in dancer's whose surnames begin with Z. You'll have to break off into these groups of ten and get shown your two minute dance routine which you will then have to perform in front of the judges."

The brunette pauses as she makes her way to the centre of the stage, ensuring that she will be heard from all around.

"From there, the judges will cut it down to a mere fifty people who they would like to see dance again. If you get called, you'll have to return to the stage and show us your own dance."

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