15. Movie Fever - Part Two

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Note: Pak 'n' Save is a popular supermarket here in New Zealand. Just thought to say so those of you who haven't heard of it won't be completely lost. Also, here we call them 'lollies' but I believe that in Britain they call them 'sweets' and in America you call them 'candy'.

If you have any ideas for the cast please let me know =) Thanks!

I'd like to say thank you to those who are taking their time to read this and I hope you're all enjoying it =D


As I walk into Pak 'n' Save's front entrance, I review my shopping list:

Coke x2
Chippies x3 - chicken, ready salted, salt & vin
Cadbury choc block x2 - Dairy Milk, Crunchie
Nestlé choc block x2 - Milky Way, Old Gold
Bag of lollies x3 - wine gums, party mix, sour ones
Choc and/or lemon cake
Golden Syrup
Baking Soda
Bag of choc raisons

I swear that’s going to be a sugar overload, I think to myself while shaking my head. I cut through the checkout in front of me and begin making my way to the bakery section. It doesn't take me long to find the cakes. I scan the produce before finding my target. I select a lemon cake and a chocolate log cake.

I then walk to the aisle with the chocolate and lollies in it. Once I reach the destination, I select the items mum requested. I decide on the sour worms as they’re basically the only sour lolly that is actually sour. Most of them say that they’re sour but in fact; they aren’t.

I continue walking to the end of the aisle and make a sharp left turn. I find the chippies before making my way to the sugar, golden syrup and baking soda aisles. As I put the baking soda into the trolley, I can feel my cell phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I reach down and slide my Samsung out of my pocket.

One new message.

I touch the virtual envelope and it opens immediately.

From: Mum
Hi, sweetie. Sorry but could you please also get a couple punnets of strawberries? Thanks :)

Good thing I hadn’t left yet. I send off a quick reply before I begin strolling to the other side of the supermarket where the fruits and vegetables are. I quickly find the shelf of strawberries and make a bee line towards it. I select two punnets of strawberries and put them into my trolley.

Out of nowhere, someone bumps into me.

“Sorry,” I hear a girl say.

“That’s okay,” I reply, turning to face the clutz.

I’m surprised to fund two familiar green-grey eyes staring back at me. Her lips part slightly as recognition dawns on her face.

“Amber!” She exclaims as a grin forms on her spotless face.

“Tessa!” I say, also forming a smile.

“Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Well, I do need to eat now and then. Supermarkets tend to supplement this need,” I joke, sticking out my tongue.

She chuckles. “Of course you do.”

“Tess, I got the nanas,” A young boy says, walking up to us.

His mud brown shaggy hair makes him look like he just got out of bed. He’s wearing a black t-shirt with a red Formula One car on the front and a pair of baggy grey jeans. He reaches halfway on Tessa’s 5’8” frame (I’m assuming she’s this height because I’m 5’7” and Tessa’s only marginally taller than me).

“Nanas?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He turns around to face me and looks up at me with his hazel eyes.

“Yup. Nanas,” He agrees, holding out a bunch of yellow bananas.

“Ohh, I see now,” I chuckle.

Tessa takes the bananas out of the young boy’s hands and puts them in the red basket she’s holding. 

“Amber, this is my brother, Tommy. Tommy, this is my friend, Amber,” She explains before turning to grab a couple punnets of strawberries.

“Nice to meet you, Tommy,” I smile.

“Nice to meet you, too,” He says to me with a smile playing on his lips. “What do you want me to get now?” He asks Tessa.

“Um... You could go look for some pasta if you’d like,” She replies.

“Oh, sorry. I’ll let you get on with it,” I apologise.

“No, no. That’s okay. We only need a couple more things.”

“Well I’m done but can walk around with you guys if you want?”

“Sure,” Tessa smiles at me before turning to the retreating Tommy. “Don’t worry; we’ll get the pasta together.”

I hear Tommy let out a little groan. “Of course I would have to get stuck with two girls,” he whispers.

He wasn’t as quiet as he thought because we both notice Tessa snort and stare at him.

“Doubt you’ll be saying it like that in the future,” She teases.

Tommy makes a face while walking back over to us. While he did this, he noticed what I have in my trolley.

“Actually, if she eats nothing but sugar, I’m fine with it.”

“’She’ has a name. It is Amber, learn to use it. And whoa, girl,” Tessa says peering into my trolley. “You’ll get diabetic before you know it.”

We begin walking out of the fruit and vegetable section and make our way to the pasta aisle.

“Oh, it’s not mine. They’re for mum. She’s having a few friends over for a movie night,” I defend.

“Mmm sure,” Tessa teases, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m serious!” I defend.

“Hey, I’d love to have nothing but sugar filled food for dinner,” Tommy chirps.

“Well you’re not going to,” Tessa quips while walking over to the pasta shelf and selecting a packet of lasagne sheets.

“Looks like you’ll have to settle for lasagne,” I tease.

“That’s going to be such a big stretch,” Tessa jumps in, also making fun of the situation.

“It is not. Lasagne is great. The more meat in it, the merrier,” He says.

I can’t help it; I let out a little shudder.

“Speaking of, that’s all we need to get,” Tessa says.

As we walk to the freezers where the meat is held, Tommy runs on ahead. There’s some silence and Tessa is the one to break it.

“Hey, um… Did you want to come around to my house tonight? Tommy and I are having a movie night as well and just thought that you might not want to be at home with your mum and her friends. Maybe not, maybe you do. I dunno, just thought to offer,” She rambles.

I chuckle. “Sure, that would be nice, thanks.”

“I mean you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. Tommy can get a bit boisterous at night.”

“Tessa, chill. I’d like to come, thank you. And I’m sure he’s not that bad.”

“Mmm I guess there are kids worse than him. Still, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

We reach the meat and Tessa selects a packet of beef.

“Tommy, Amber’s coming over tonight.”

“What? But it’s movie night,” He whines.

“So? She can join us for it.”

“Does she even like lasagne?” He questions.

“Oh, didn’t think of that,” Tessa says, shaking her head in shame. “Do you like lasagne, Amber?” She asks, turning to me.

“Uh… Yeah,” I reply.

“You sound unsure…”

“What a shame,” Tommy jokes.

“No, I mean. I like lasagne just not… Meat lasagne.”

“But meat is delicious! You need it to survive, you know,” Tommy concurs.

“Ohh,” Tessa says, making an O shape with her mouth. “Are you a vegetarian?”

 “Yeah, I am,” I say sceptically.

“Well then we’ll just have to make vegetable lasagne.”

“Ew, what?” Tommy says with obvious disgust.

“No, no. That’s okay. I could have dinner before coming or something,” I say.

“No. Tell you what. We’ll make a vegetable lasagne AND a meat lasagne. Sound like a plan?”

“I don’t want to be a burden…”

“You’re not. Besides, I’ve always wanted to try a vegetable lasagne,” Tessa smiles.

“Well, okay then. Sounds like a plan,” I smile back.

“That will do,” Tommy agrees.

“Great! Well I guess I’ll see you again soon,” Tessa states.

“Yup. Will drop mum’s shopping off then come round, if that’s okay?”

“’Course it is. See you then,” Tessa says, while walking off towards the checkouts.

I smile. This should be pretty fun. I haven’t really been to a movie night before. Well other then the ones with mum. But that probably doesn’t really count.


I apologise for the number of times I say 'lasagne' in this chapter. I think I've said it quite a few times... D: Hopefully it's not a word overload!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter =)

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