11. Josh Morgan

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This chapter is written in Josh's POV.

I would like to apologise for my language in this chapter, I just think that it's relevant to what is occuring during this chapter. Plus, it should make it seem a bit more realistic.

I'd also like to pre-warn you that this chapter is fairly horrific and if you - or anyone you know - has gone through this, I didn't write it to offend anyone so please don't take any offense to it. I wrote it so that the reader can find out more about what Amber and her mum have been through.

Anyway, on with the chapter. Hope you like it =)


I see her walking away. It's hard but I can't think of what else to do. There's no way I can stop her.

 "I'm sorry," I whisper.

I say it even though I know it's too late; she can't hear me. Even if she wanted to. Which I doubt she will ever want to hear what I have to say. I don't really blame her. I was a horrible father and I was a horrible husband. I treated Rachel and Amber like dirt, like they were trash, like ... Like they meant nothing to me. Which is so not true.

I look down to the ground in despair. I notice that my legs are shaking. How long have they been shaking for? I thought to myself. I manage to walk over to a bench and sit down. I forgot how beautiful the ocean looks. I mean, I've seen the ocean many times in my life but I never really noticed how beautiful it is.

I remember it, you know. I remember how I treated Rachel and I will never forget the day Amber found out. It was the year 2002. Amber was only eight years old. Dawn was staying at a friend's house.

I close my eyes and the scene of that day plays through my mind as though it were a movie. But this was no movie.

Rachel was standing next to our bed looking down longingly at our wedding photo on the bedside table. She wore an elegant red dress that stopped just above her knees. I had just got home from another night at the pub. I was drunk.

"You're nothing but a piece of shit! Worthless. Useless. I don't even know why I married you! You disgust me, even just looking at you makes me puke in my mouth. My father was right; you're nothing but an ugly, stinky vermin!" I emphasise the word 'vermin' before I lunge at her.

She shrieks as I grasp a handful of her hair and pull her to my chest. Her back thudded against me. I tilt her head back, that way I can make sure she hears my next words.

"You. Are. Worthless. You mean nothing to me!" I whisper into her ear.

I push her away from me in disgust, making her fall face down onto the bed. I walk over and peel her off the bed, throwing her against the wall. I skalk towards her like a hunter about to kill their prey.

"No... No... Please!" She begs, fear in her eyes.

I smile wickedly before I slide my left arm around her waist; that way she won't be able to escape. I place my right hand around her neck and I squeeze. I can feel her veins straining under my grip. My smile grows wider. This only makes me tighten my grip. I squeeze so hard I swear I can feel her vocal chords.

"Pl-ple-plea ... St-t-t" Rachel starts to  say while she claws at my hands, trying to break free.

Tears began rolling down her cheeks. It looked as though there were two little streams running down her face.

"Nu-uh-uh," I say.

Her face was beginning to turn blue, a sure sign that she's going to pass out soon. That was my cue to let her go. She fell to the floor, desperately gasping for air. She coughed and spluttered, her hand placed on her heart. Oh, but I wasn't done with her yet.

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