22. Remembering

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Hey guys!

So I know I've been saying this for a while now but I am seriously sorry about the slow delays between updates. I can't believe I left you guys waiting for so long (think it was like 8 months) - that's truly shocking D: I was busy with personal, real life stuff such as uni. Buuuut, I am now on my Summer vacation which means that I got the chance to do some more writing so I have finally managed to write another chapter and update this story again, yay!

I have already started - and have actually nearly finished - the next chapter so I should hopefully get that up to you this weekend. There will only be two more parts after this chapter so am nearly finished writing this :O :D

Anyway, on with the chapter. Hope you guys like it!


It's been almost a week since my audition and I still haven't heard anything. I know, I didn't expect to get news straight away but I hoped that I wouldn't have to wait too long to hear the results. I keep replaying the audition in my head, wondering whether I did enough or if I lacked anything. Mum keeps reassuring me that I didn't do anything wrong and it was the best audition I could have hoped for. That there's nothing to worry about.

Yet I can't help but wonder why it's taken nearly a week. Surely I should have been told the news by now. Maybe the reason it's taken so long is because it's bad news and they're trying to think of a polite way of telling me I didn't make the cut.

I roll my eyes. Pfft, as if that's the truth. I mean, there's no easy way of telling someone their dreams have been crushed into an oblivion.

I always come to the beach whenever I want to just wind down and relax. Like now, for instance; all I've been thinking of is the audition. I can't seem to shake the haunting feeling that I've been refused entrance. It struck me at dinner that I should visit the beach and take a nice long, soothing walk.

So here I am. At the heart of one of nature's greatest creations: Bethells Beach.

I like sitting on its delicate grains of sand and watch as the sunsets behind the sea. Its white granular sand stretches along for miles. Safety and comfort surrounds me as I shuffle to lie on my back. Closing my eyes, I bask in the peacefulness of the recently vacated beach.

I listen to the sound of the waves crashing on the sand which strangely calms me. Overhead, I hear the cawing sound of seagulls and soon their caws surround me as they swiftly land in small white heaps in the sand. The sound of their wings flapping fills my ears and before I know it, I hear what seems like hundreds of gulls gliding through the air just centimetres above the sand.  Fortunately, their fluttering doesn't drown out the sound of the waves and oddly enough, add to the tranquil environment.

The cool evening air was beginning to return as the fiery sun slowly hid behind the hovering dark clouds. I can feel rain in the air, a sure sign it is going to rain. Ignoring this fact, I pull my leg up to meet my torso which allows me to untie my Converse. After untying both shoes, I kick my shoes off and sink my now naked toes in the sand.

"Ahhh," I let out, sighing with satisfaction.

I love the feeling of sand underneath my feet. The smell of the salty ocean continues to engulf me in a trance. I don't know how it does it but beaches really know how to make me feel at home and throw my worries away.

I place my hands behind my head and allow myself to simply cherish this moment.

Slowly, darkness creeps up on me. But this time, I let it. 

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