16. Movie Fever - Part Three

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Hiya everyone. *waves* Firstly I'd like to apologise for my slow updated. I know you've waited a little while for this so it is a little longer than the other chapters. It had been like 8 pages in Word so these pages much be longer or something. *shrugs* Who knows. Secondly, thank you for reading this and hope you enjoy it. Thirdly, to the right is a picture of Melissa Benoist as Amber Morgan.

This chapter is dedicated to LittleSapphire204. Thank you so much for making the cover, it looks AMAZING! I'm really greatful for it and really appreciate it =D


I turn into my gravel covered driveway and abruptly stop at the front door. I step out of my car and begin taking out the three bags of crap food. I walk up the front porch steps and kick the door open. Stepping inside, I walk through the dim lighting that aligns the long hallway and reach the kitchen in a matter of seconds. I place the groceries onto the marble bench and begin unpacking.

"Oh, sweetie. Thought I heard you come in," Mum says, walking into the room.

She walks over to me and shoos me out the way.

"I'll do that. Thanks, sweetie," She chirps as she rummages through the yellow plastic bags.

"Aye aye captain," I salute.

"Ay?" She asks, absent-mindedly. Her attention is now glued on the job at hand: sorting through everything.

"Nothing. Um... I'm going over to Tessa's house tonight. I mean, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay," Mum says in a "you-don't-have-to-ask" kind of way.

"Thanks!" I smile.

I skip up to her and give her a great big bear hug from behind. Yes, I skipped. Not walked but skipped. I haven't skipped since I was like one. Okay so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Besides, one year olds can barely walk let alone skip. Whatever, you get what I mean.

Mum can't help but turn her attention on to me. She wraps her hands around my arms and lets out a little chuckle.

"I love you, mum."

"I love you too, sweetie."

I let my arms fall back to my sides as I free her from my bear hug. 

"Alrighty, then. Just going to go freshen up a bit," I say, picking up my pink duffel bag. I walk out the kitchen and dive up the stairs to my room.

Once I reach my room, I throw my duffel bag on the couch in the corner, to the left of my bed, under the window. I walk over to my closet and pull out my purple handbag. I then walk back over to where my duffel bag now lies limp on the couch. I zip it open and pull out my phone, wallet and keys. I then begin transferring these items into my handbag. I was just about to put my phone in it when it buzzed in my hands.

Completely taken aback, the phone slips out of my hand and begins tumbling down towards the floor. I quickly recover and begin scrambling to catch my phone before it hits the decks.

I catch it but then it slips out of my grasp again.

My body replicates the movement: I lower down as it slips out of my hands again. I keep getting closer to the floor as it slips out of my hands a couple more times.

It slips out of my hand yet again but this time it starts heading towards my open window. I jump forward and catch it in my fingers. I close my hand and the phone falls in the palm of my hand.

Phew. I finally manage to catch it with my epic dive. Too bad no one saw that. It was totally movie worthy!

I bring my phone closer to my face so I can see what caused this little shenanigan.

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