6. Surprise

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"And a five, six, seven, eight..."

I began with a chasse from the corner of the dance floor before going into 7 aleseconds in the centre of the dance floor then I double turned out of the seventh alesecond to a low chain, before ending in a second jump.

"Perfect! Executed perfectly!" Mum cheered. "Now you've got the last part covered, it's time to put it all together."

"Wait... Can't I take.... A break... Please?" I panted.

Let me tell you something, you would be breathless too if you'd danced as much as I have; it's like a workout. I'd just gone through the whole dance (the one mum choreographed for my Danceworks audition) in around 5 different sections. Altogether the dance is probably roughly 5 minutes long.

"And how do you expect to ace your audtion if you continually take breaks every 5 minutes?" Mum crossed her arms across her chest, letting out a frustrated sigh.

I simply shrugged before flopping onto the floor in a heap. I closed my eyes and felt myself getting lost in the last few beats of the music. It felt nice and serene. Ahh, I could get used to this. I think happily to myself, enjoying the cold floor on my sweaty back. Unfortunately, the relaxation didn't last too long. A silent yet powerful knock at the door made me jolt up into seating position.

"Aha, Tessa, is it? You're right on schedule," My mum practically clapped.

Then, much to my horror, the girl who I met here yesterday walked into the room. This time she was wearing black skinny jeans with a simple black tee. Black Converse high tops finished her dark yet casual look.

"Y-yes ma'am," Tessa stuttered, walking into the studio.

Since when did she have a Southern accent? Has she always had it and I just hadn't noticed? Funny, I don't recall her having an accent at all. Then again I was focussing more on getting the heck away from her. From her look, I thought she was different but the sad truth is that she's just like all the other girls: obsessed with my mother.

"Welcome! This is my daughter, Amber," She calmly states, poking her finger towards me.

"Oh, we've met," I say simply, standing up.

"Uh... Y-y-yeah we have," Tessa agrees nervously.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over and pull my drink bottle out of my pink duffel bag. I gulped a third of it down in less than a minute. Not that I was counting.

"Well that is great. It'll make the lesson a lot easier if you already know someone who's in it," My mum smiled while picking up her handbag and getting out her keys.

"Wait, I thought you were going to take the lesson?" Tessa asked, confusion obvious in her voice.

"And I don't have a lesson now," I stated.

I watch as mum shakes her head amused. "Silly girls," She said. Then she turned to Tessa and tilted her head to the side. "I don't teach dance, I choreograph dances. I'm close friends with Amber's - and also now your - teacher. However, yes, I take it upon myself to welcome any new members to this studio, such as yourself. You may wonder why. Well, all I'm saying is that I was a student here myself when I was younger and I was warmly welcomed into the studio. I know how happy it made me and I want to do the same." My mother explained. "Now, as for you missy, seeing as your audtion is just around the corner, I thought that you could do with some extra dancing. So yes, you do have a lesson now." She said, walking over to me and squeezing my cheek.

"What?! Why would you do that? I've practised enough! I've been dancing every single day!! I don't need another lesson, least of all a lesson for beginners," I practically spat.

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