24th Door - The Gift

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Dan's POV

I woke up to an anime character staring at me. Literally. My Haru pillow was perfectly placed on the end of my bed. There was a yellow post-it note attached to it. I sat up and took the note off on Haru's face and looked at the note. It was from the big package Phil had bought from Japan. I smiled as i read the words which were written in his clean handwriting.

Good morning, bear. Taxi will pick you up at 4. Wear something nice and warm. See you soon.

I glanced at the clock. 13.55. I had few hours to get ready. But for what? I was confused. What did he mean "will pick me up"? What did he have in mind? And what is "nice and warm"? Maybe some outside clothes. Not an onesie. Or a christmas jumper.

I honestly felt that I couldn't do my morning exercise, which normally takes at least a half an hour and includes a lof of rolling on the bed, Tumblr browsing and falling asleep again for 15 minutes. I just felt really awake. So I decided to take a shower.

I closed the bathroom door and stripped off my pyjamas on the floor. Then I noticed a note on the bathroom mirror. No. Several notes.

you look really good today

words can't even tell how beautiful you are

I really think your body is the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I have seen some really amazing stuff. (Like you in a giant pink squid suit. remember you in a squid suit?)

I saw my naked reflection smiling goofily. What a dork he was.

I had had some really good showering going on, when I started to shampoo my hair. I reached my hand to my shampoo bottle, and felt a paper note. I needed to turn the shower off so I could read what the note said.

I love this shampoo. It makes you smell like you. And I've loved it since 2009.

As weird as it might seem, I've always used the same shampoo. It smelled really nice though, for my defence. I would've been really mad for Phil for interrupting my shower, if this note hadn't made me blush so bad.

When I got out of the shower, I read the same notes again. And smiled. The mirror was steamy. I drew a smiley face and a heart. Silly me. And I smiled even more.

I dried my hair with a towel and reached for the box where we kept out straighteners, and I was greeted with a note.

maybe not today? I love your hobbit hair so much.

Okay. Maybe not today. I walked back to my room. I opened my drawer and took some black boxers and socks. My skinny jeans were placed on the butt chair in front of my piano. I took the jeans and noticed that there was a note even on my piano.

you don't even know how many times I've just listened you making art with this thing.

I went to my t-shirt collection. Even there were notes.

maybe you should pick this one. The black eclipse shirt.

or this one. The pastel pink flower shirt.

honestly, this one is my favourite, The white Totoro-shirt.

So I wore that. I went to kitchen, I really wanted to eat something before I left because I didn't know if we were going to eat or not.

Once I had eaten, I looked at the clock again. Ohhhhhh shit. I had exalty 20 minutes. Where did all of my time go? I realy didn't want that the taxi had to wait for me. Very quickly I put the dishes in the dishwasher, and almost jogged to my room. I was filled with excitement.

What jacket should I wear then? Gladly, I didn't have to think about it because there was again a small note on my warmest winter coat.

It might be cold, so I think you should wear this.

Oh right, it will be cold. It's Christmas Eve. How didn't I realize that before now? I decided to put my warmest shoes on too.

Exalty 3.59 pm I was standing in front of our front door completely ready.

I was shocked. Instead of a taxi, there was a black limo in front of me. A woman rose from the car and came up to me.

"You must be Daniel Howell? I'm Gabby, and I'll be your driver today."

A limo? A driver? She was wearing a black suit. Suddenly I felt really insecure. I surely wasn't dressed well enough. But didn't Phil say "nice and warm"?

"Don't worry, you look really good", the driver said. She must've guessed my thoughts. Maybe she knew this was a total suprise.

She opened the door and I stepped in.

The whole backseat was covered in notes and pictures. I could see myself and him, drinking coffee in Manchester, smiling in Japan, kissing softly on Felix's and Marzia's sofa during a horror movie.

Gabby had closed the door behind me and when she started the car I fell over on the seat.

I don't know how long she drove or where we were going, because I was too focused in those letters and old notes. It was weird: these were the same kind of stuff Phil had been talking the whole week.

What was going on?

The car stopped and Gabby opened the door. She didn't say anything, just handed me another note.

dan, this is going to be a big surprise. gabby will lead you, and you need to blindfold yourself. just trust me.

She was holding a piece of cloth. I took it and slowly wrapped it around my head. Was I going crazy? How could I let some stranger lead me anywhere?

Gladly the walk wasn't very long. Gabby pushed me on a seat and said quietly:
"Good luck Dan, follow your heart."

Before I could answer anything, I heard a loud click on my left that sounded like a door closing. As soon as I heard the click the whole thing I was sitting on started moving.

I panicked a bit and took my blindfold off.

I saw Phil. He was smiling.

I looked around me and realized where we were: this was a ferris wheel. And to be exact, it was the London eye.

We were already halfway up, when he started speaking.

"So, em....", he started and scratched his neck.

I let him speak.

"So you're probably wondering why we are here and why I've been acting like I have lately. But I just wanted to make this as perfect as possible. I have been thinking this a lot, and I think that we are great together. Ever since the beginning, I always knew that the thing we had was something special. So remember where we first kissed? On a ferris wheel. So now I have brought you back here to ask you that..."

I am sure my heart stopped at that moment.

"Daniel Howell, will you marry me?"

I stared at him.

"Y-yes", I blurted out. "Yes of course I will yes yes yes yes Phil!"

And the I leaned over the corridor to him.

And kissed him just like the first time.

I started to laugh against his lips. I wanted to kiss him more, but I was simply too excited. Phil Lester wanted to marry me!!

I sat on his lap and put my head on his shoulder and laughed more. He gently combed my wild hobbit hair with his fingers.

"Merry Christmas, Dan", Phil said.

I closed my eyes.

"I love you."

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