12th Door - Hey Mum

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Hi! I am going to have a hard week (few exams and essays and shit), so I don't know if I am capable of making these oops I am sorry I really am trying but these next fics I publish might be pretty crap

Phil's POV

"Love y-" 

He hangs up.

Oh, Dan's really pissed off.

I sigh. The big stone I am sitting on is taking all of the warmth from my body. This phone call didn't go even a bit better than the last during the wedding.  Why is he so mad at me? I mean I get that if he misses me, I miss him too for god's sake, but this is not the right way to express it.

Why couldn't he just have come with me? Not as my boyfriend, but as my friend. As my support? Why is he so afraid?

I bury my face to my hands. I want to hear his voice.


I raise my head. Instead of Dan, I see another familiar face. She is exactly what I need right now.

"Hi mum."

"Can we perhaps talk for an second? Or are you talking to Dan?" She looks uncomfortable.

"Yeah, we can talk."

She sits next to me. I don't look at her- I can feel the tears in my eyes already.

"So, did you and Dan have an argument? You were rather strange tonight."

Her voice is calming. She wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"I don't get him. He's okay being touchy in all videos, but then he can't come with me to some stupid wedding", I burst out.

She squeezes my shoulder.

"Don't be so harsh, Philip. He is trying."

"But mom, I don't want to hide this any longer. I want to dance with him somewhere where everyone can see us. I want to hold his hand in public. I want to tell about us to our relatives", I sob. My throat is burning.

"Oh dear", she says. "But you can't always get what you want, can you?"

"No but-"

"Well no buts then. If it keeps you warm it's a keeper", she tells.

I am quiet. Mom, thank you for making me talk about this.


"Yeah mum?" I am now facing her.

"Are you happy with Dan?"

I stare at her. I definitely got my eyes from her. But not her social skills. How can he ask something like this?

She is your mother, Phil, you need to tell her.

She looks worried. She must have been once really beautiful. I can now see the young mum, who has once messed up her love life.

She just wants to protect you from that same suffering, Phil. Don't be stupid.

I open my mouth. She has asked me a really big question. And I am amused when I immediately know the answer.

"Yes mum. I am happy. I am so very happy with him."

"And are you also happy without him?" she asks.

"Yes. But he brings that extra happiness to my life. And I couldn't live without him."

"Great, Phil. Now you just need to call him and tell him that."

"I will do that. Thanks, mum."

"Always." She helps me up and just when she is about to leave I realize that I need to ask her about one more thing.

"Hey mum?"

She turns around.

"Yes, dear?"

"What would you say if I was about to propose Dan?"

Her eyes start flickering. He smiles widely and hugs me.

So, that's a yes then.

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