Angeal Hewley- Christmas Cookies(special)

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            "(Y/n) I'm..........home?"

       The raven haired male gaze turned,walking into his love's home. From what he could see,the Kitchen was a mess of snow with what the blue orbed male could only guess as flour."(Y/n)?",Angeal states,beeping following his tone."Hey Angeal,what ca' up to?",your form finally descending from the other room,destroying the dancing timer with a tenderiser,which doesn't go unnoticed by the tall lean soldier.

      "Alright what were you up to?",Angeal muscular arms cross against his chest."Nothing",you state wrists behind your back, making his dark brow raise. "The flour tornado in the kitchen says other wise",the tall male states pointing a thumb behind him."Can't prove it was me",you state proudly watching him in the process.His hand rests on his chin in thought,"So the kitchen wasn't you?",Angeal asks again,moving towards you a step at a time."Nope",you grin leaning towards his form."So this flour just magically appeared in your hair, huh?",the male grins brightly when you lightly kick his foot.

        "Come on,tell me,I won't laugh",Angeal says against your ear.
"Promise?",you demand hearing him chuckle,"Promise",his voice vibrates against your back."Ok I was thinking about the holidays,and when I was younger my (family/-put someone special here) would make cookies and....I'd some what help 'em",you say with a breath of relief he isn't laughing."Yet I can't cook...or bake,for that matter",the messy kitchen regretfully reminding you."Ya that makes sense,but you could have asked for help (Y/n)",Angeal says leaning against the counter top."You know I'm to stubborn for that", you mock him by crossing your arms."To bad,I'm helping you babe~", Angeal pecks your cheek before disappearing.'That Boy doesn't know what he's in for',shaking your head,you follow him.

      "Doughs made,now we toughen it up",Angeal tells you."How?", you ask plainly."With your hands",he informs placing dishes in the sink,to add room.  Poking the dough you laugh," Like that?",you grin,having fun."No",warm breath says calmly against your ear,"Let me show you".Your form melts in his,"Like this?",you ask as Angeal's rough hands guide yours."Yes,see your getting it",the male encourages.

      "Its alright",Angeal trys to comfort you."Alright?..I almost blew up the kitchen",you state sorrowfully."Who hasn't?",the strong male chuckles,"As long as I'm here,you'll always be safe". You take his hand,"Even from monsters?".He breaths patting your hand,"Yes even monsters...".

      "..DING "

     "Cookies!", you exclaim kinda happy and still waiting the result.Angeal pulls the tray out the oven,"Ready?". You nod determined," Ready".


  "Their not that bad", Angeal rubs your back." Don't ever eat my cooking again",you warn the man beside you,"I want you to live longer,so our kids will survive".He laughs continuing to part your back,"Ya know Christmas isn't over yet".You narrow a (e/c) gaze at the male,"And?".Angeal grins,"I made cookies earlier,just incase",he hands you a tin,which you throw open in a flash."Thanks Angi!",you smile numming on Christmas cookies,he pecks your temple with a laugh.


  (Sorry so short but its Christmas, Merry Christmas you guys,hope its special for ya!)

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