Genesis Rhapsodos-obsession(2)

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           "No,I know what your heart really wants...",you trail removing your arms from his form,"Please be careful".Genesis frowns slightly before moving a few fallen strands behind your ear,some stubborn strands make him smile."Even if the morrow is barren of promises",the alburn haired male starts,"Nothing shall fore stall my return",tilting your chin he breaths."To become the dew that quenches the land, To spare the sands,the sea,the skies...",the pad of his thumb brushes your lips lightly,his mako-infused blue orbs hold a dazed gaze."I offer thee this silent sacrifice...",he whispers against your lips,consuming the last taste of you he'll know for awhile.


         Half a year has past sense his departure,your resignation for Shinra was turned in the same day.Thinking about it now,almost makes you want to laugh at how naive you were.'He never felt the way I did,his love was for her',your mind rages war watching the world pass in a blur threw train windows.'I should be over him by now',you laugh,eyes stinking as the train comes to a stop.

        'Wait for him',you sign before walking away from the train station,"I ain't no damsel",you fight back,"besides I deserve nothing".A noise catches your attention,"On the contrary...",that voice,"You deserve everything and more".

      "So you found me",you say turning to met his form just an inch from yours."I wasn't aware you were hiding",Gen smiles lightly cupping your cheek."Neither was I",you respond watching his alburn brows narrow,"Aren't you suppose to be dead?".Your response seems to make him smile making your eyes sting,"Don't cry (Y/n)",his thumb brushes your eye lids.

    You Slap Him.Genesis isn't takin back,which is strange and pains you more.He embraces you,"I missed you to".You scoff not able to fight his hold,but try anyway."Well I didn't miss you",you state watching his brow raise,"I'm doughtfull of your words",he states drawing you closer as humanly possible."Well I'm doughtfull of yours",you mock giving up your escape,"Now your just acting like a child",he smirks loosing his grip abit."What Do You Expect From Someone That L-",cutting your self off,gaze off to the side,your words irritating you more."Your cheeks are that of my own coat",Gen laugh vibrates threw his rib cage."Don't mock me Genesis",you warn strongly, defeat following before resting your head against his chest,"I know your heart,its ok".He ruffly pulls your shoulders back,"I love you,believe that please",Gen breaths watching your head rise."Ya right",you spit,he flinched,"(Y/n) my patience is growing thin",his turn to warn,Gen removes his hands from your shoulders."Oh really,mine went out the door",you grin happy to see his narrowed blue orbs,"Say it",you state crossing your arms waiting."When you do,don't forget I said it first",Gen says,hand on his chest."No you didn't,you gotta mean it",you argue making his hand fall."I've always meant it",he states taking your hands,"Want me to say it I will".Pecking your temple,"I love you",he states pecking your cheek,"I love you",Gen says Pecking your lips making you almost smile."I love you (Y/n), please believe me when I say it",he pleads,your smile graces him with its presence."What about your Goddess?",you ask,smile vanishing releasing his palms,"Your obsession,did you met her?".He nods,"Yes,awhile back actually",Genesis smirks taking your hand,despite your protest."She's Beautiful and could have me anyway she will",his words about her don't surprise you,"only thing she's quite  stubborn,won't even let me hold her hand",he jokes, your movement stop while finding his blue orbs for any lies or truth.Your eyes sting again watching his black wing appear knowing he's telling the truth,"You better not leave me again",you warn."Come with me",he asks arms wide open for you,"Better not leave me any were",you smile wrapping arms around his torso again."Wouldn't dream of it,can't promise you won't fall",Genesis smirks arms secure around you before taking off,"Genesis Rhapsodies,Drop Me And See What Happens!",you yell feeling the crisp air threw your hair."Is that a threat?",he laughs holding you tight,"It's a promise",you grin, somehow freeing an arm to pull him down with and lock lips.

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