Genesis Rhapsodos-Tail(1)

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       "If you can't do it just let me",you sign for the fifth time sitting criss cross in the soldiers lap,drawing circles with your thumb."Be patient,I'm almost done..",he trails, slim fingers gliding threw your hair in a smoothing manner.

       "Gen,remind me why your playing with my hair",you state with a yawn, blinking back sleep.He scoffs roughing your (h/c) tresses up abit before smoothing them down,"You forget asking me,I presume"."Really,I don't remember",you grin leaning back into his touch creaking the chair a bit as you did so,"Not that I'm complaining..".

     He snorts,"Neither can I,but I must ask...why do you continued to swirl your thumb on my leg?".


    "Cause I can",you state squinting your (e/c) eyes feeling zero sweet movement of your hair,"What can't concentrate?".

     Genesis laughs grabbing your sides,pulling you to his chest turning you as he did so,"Oh,hardly indeed".Your temple lays against his shoulder,while eye lids close stealing his scent.



    "If you continue their will be consequences",Genesis Informs,auburn brow raised."Why do you think I started that in the first place?",you grin ,(e/c) orbs locked on his."(Y/n) I'm.. serious",pink cheeks warned as your thumb moves closer up his leg."So am I~",you cue fully awake now,"Genesis~".


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