Genesis Rhapsodos-Tail(3)

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      (A bit sexual,but not a lemon.So don't read if your not OK with the language)

      "Gen",you blink from the door way,the rich smell of coffee edging out a small grin against the corners of your lips.Walking up behind the Solider(leaving his current attire to you reader-chan),you snake arms around his tight torso resting your temple against his back,your eye lids closed.


     "(Y/n),we talked about this",he warns,auburn brow raised.The skillet sizzles in front of the male,his slender hands occupied at the moment."Hmm..",you grumble,palms slowly moving up his stomach to his chest,away from his waist band below.Eye lids closed with mad face on,"mehhh...",you whine griping Genesis a bit tighter."Breakfasts done",he grins with a chuckle,transferring the pancakes to plates beside the stove top.Laying a simple kiss to his spine,and loosening the grip on your Lover you take a seat at the table behind you.

    "Don't fall asleep on me dear~", Genesis cues,placing the two plates one for in front of him the other in your view.He knows your tired but still smiles,Pecking your skull before sitting down. Blinking once again you hmm.Stabbing and eating the pancakes one by one,"Angeal show you how to make pancakes?",you ask bluntly beside him.The male yawns,abit irritated by your question as he watches you."Did he teach you?",you ask again with a smile,"because I'd seriously love to know how that went".Genesis signs poking at his food,"Oh My God",you laugh pinching his cheek,"Your pouting again".The auburn glare narrows,"I denie your accusation",Gen states crossing his arms.

      You grin leaning over to taste his lips.He relaxes but pulls back,"I think you rile me on purpose".Leaning back you shrug,"Now what ever gave you that idea?".Genesis deadpans watching you devour the last amount of pancakes on your plate,"When I return from work....which has been happening a lot lately.......such as yesterday...",he trails meeting your gaze,oh no the gears are turning in his head.You pause to point your fork at him,"Nah-huh,you were putting up my hair in a pony-tail",you state-clarify.He grins,"And we know how that went...wait be serious a moment",his mako-infused orbs widen taking your hand,"Everyday action... could dangerous for your health".

       "It don't feel like it~",you grin taking joy in his redding cheeks."(Y/n) I'm serio-US!",Genesis squeaks narrowing his blue orbs."Your not stopping me~",you cue rubbing his inner thigh under the table.He grabs your hand,"no means no".You blink hearing your lover say this,"Gen your such a worry wort",you sign palm against your cheek."I am if I care for the one I love",the male says with a frown,pecking your temple once again standing to put his wish away.You stand with a groan,putting your dishes away."Come on Gen,you think I'd be standing if you hurt me",you say leaning against the counter,arms folded."Yes..",he trails shuttering at the thought."You sure?",you hmm getting closer to his body."The opposite sex is still new to any man,theirs so many surprises..... I'd never hurt you", his dreamy look is quickly replaced by a serious gaze."You sure about that to?...", you trail,laying hands against his hip bones,rubbing slightly."These could never ever,numb my nether regions by the morning hmm?",you tease watching the male's gaze.His palm comes to his chin in thought as your movements continue,"Your right,we should cut down on that as well",he informs."But I like it when your on top...sometimes",you mumble pinching his sides now."Ah who's pouting now?",Genesis asks with a smile,he dives pecking your lips,"Seriously no actions for a while".You glare at the male as warm hands stop your assault on his hips.

     "Alright..",you say with a yawn rubbing your eyes,"Bed peasant..".He snorts back a laugh,taking your chin connecting his lips to yours.




   "Genesis don't make rules if you can't keep them your self",you state rubbing at your eye lids."My apologies,your just aborable and I can not resist",he explains bluntly.You nod taking his hand,"Same..but its time for bed".

       The auburn male wants to say something but decides against it as you lead him back under the blankets,your secure embrace shuts him up completely.

       "(Y/n)... we talked about this...", he signs with a smile."Sorry my hand slipped...",you breath deeply,"don't blame me,blame half asleep (Y/n),
she's the real culprit...ya know?".He smirks taking your hand,

"Yes,I know".


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