Ravus Nox Fleuret-No-(1)

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          Prompt: frustrating when the start of conversation is forgotten,huh?

         Warnings: Frustrated Ray


         "You say no...to me?",he whispers.

         "No", you say,a thought in mind.

         Ravus blinks his brows narrowed,"No to what exactly?", he questions,"know what you say, be clear".

         "No", you say again a bit confused now.

         "What is it, you say No to?!", he states frustrated.

         You ponder what started this but have no clue,deciding to keep going anyway."You", you say plainly.

          "For what reason?",he demands, confused also.

           "What reason do I say 'no' too?", you ask.

            "Yes!",he exclaims.

            " I don't know,what was the question again?",you say.The prince maintains his frustration,but them eyes don't lie,not to you.

          "Look,I have no idea how this conversations started", you confess with a shrug,"..I'm sorry".

        The male looks up,"Don't.. apologize,when you don't need to".

        "So we good?",you question,head tilted.
          "For now",the man says noticing,".. I must admit I've forgotten the start of conversation as well".

        " Well good,cause we won't be mad about it now",you nod walking away.Ravus follows at your side.


"I remember now", your fist slams down on the table,".. You wanted to eat with Lunch your sister".

"Yes,and you (Y/n),wanted to eat here", Ravus finishes.

" I got my way",you dance a little,"Oh don't worry,she's in good hands ".

" That child is not in good hands",Ray remarks consuming the meal with elegance. Then there's you,who just enjoys living.

"Would you say I am?",you question,food ignored.

Ravus turns away," Not for me to say".

"Ray", you say," I'm seeing some hesitation there".

"Alright,be warned (Y/n) you wanted this..",he trails listing off traits of yours you find ...undesirable.

"Ok,geez I got the picture",you state brows narrowed.Didn't think it'd be that intense.

"I could take them back",his brow raises,lip tight again,"I would like too,if you don't mind".

" Better not be weird about it buster",you warn.

Ravus nods scooting his chair to yours,from around the table.Them arms open up for you.Ray starts to say the flaws again but this time with a nice added few of words.

'Your manners could be better,but then how would I know your love for the course'.
'Your response to danger is frightening, yet I hope to train that out


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