Cloud Strife-Forgiven(2)

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         "Cloud?",you sit up with a start, palm searching against the empty side of the bed.Your eyes sting at the nightmare that awoke you,the empty side of the bed doesn't help to hold back the tears but you do anyway."Cloud...",you sign hoping he'll walk threw the door.


         Blondie doesn't come back,so you get dressed all the while thinking of the dream that haunts,going over every detail repeatedly.Not even an ounce of life when you make it down stairs either,"Screw it,I'm out",you exclaim making your way to the front door.As you start up (your vehicle of choice),Tifa stands up from behind the counter inside and franticly trys to call Blondie which is unknown to you(so be oblivious muhahaha).


        Pulling up in front of a warn down,burnt up old broken church,you smile with a breath of relief.Making your way in down the aisle,you count how many pieces are missing from your last visit;pieces of ceiling,wall,even the stained glass and so on.Eventually you make it to the front,eyes connecting with the small pool.

        You ignore the loud sound of a motorcycle outside.'Blondie is in rang',you smile lightly to your self."You gonna jump?",he questions with a smile,holding something while making his way to you."And if I do?",you test,not facing him,your mind repeating images since you woke up.

      "I brought these for her",cloud says from your side,a bouquet in his grasp."Thanks..",you trail smelling the flowers,their held tightly and beautifully in lace,"..She did like her flowers".You neil down,to place them in the water,watching the flowers float to the center before sinking in the middle of the pool.

        "Wanna get Taco's?",cloud questions. You jump in excitement,"Yes!Did you even have to ask?",smiling you take his arm.Outside you release him (jumping on/getting in) your (vehicle of choice).


     "Where'd you go today?",you ask sitting across the male,he pauses to make eye contact,showing them baby blues."Work",he says plainly.You nod looking around the resturant, eventually your eyes settle for watching people passing by the window."Cloud",you say meeting his mako fused orbs,stopping your self again,"..Is it spring?",you ask instead."Yes",a blonde brow raised,clouds palm covers your fingers,"..(Y/n),I need you". Your breathing quickens as your hand tights on his."I need you too Cloud",The sting in your (c/e) eyes draws him to your side of the table.Cloud takes you in his arms,your temple against his cheek,both of you ignoring the stares from the people and just hold each other as a life line.



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