november 8

154 19 17

Dear Kyle,

it's so hard. At first, everything seemed like just a bad dream.

But when I stood up today in court, I woke up.

This wasn't just some shitty dream. This shit is real life.

The hardest part was having to confirm my actions. I had to point to a picture of you and me and explain every detail of us. The ups and the downs, I had to revisit.

Your lawyer asked me to explain the rings that I still wore on my fingers.

Two of them you gave to me, and the other one was your favorite.

The first you gave to me on our six month anniversary.

I had taken us on a trip to the beach. We stayed in a cabin, the sound of the waves crashing in the background.

We were having a picnic on the beach, and then you pulled out the little box. I at first denied it, but once you opened the box and slid the ring onto my finger, I couldn't deny it.

The next was our engagement ring.

That one was given to me by you after you popped the question, and I of course said yes.

And the third was my favorite. But it was also the ring that made the courtroom get restless.

I stole it from you. Sliding it off of your cold hand.

It had always been your favorite ring. Your father had given it to you when you were sixteen. It was just a metal band with a little pattern on the edge. You never took it off, for you were too scared to lose it.

That was just another quality that I loved about you.

I remember when we were in the airport and you set off the scanners. The police immediately patted you down, your cheeks a crimson as they found the culprit; your ring.

I wish we could go back and relive moments. The moments where we doubled over laughing, our stomachs hurting after.

Your laugh was so beautiful. You had the most beautiful way about you. Your eyes crinkled, and your dimples always shined.

You made me feel good about myself and life in general. It's amazing how one person can make such a difference.

One day you're looking at bigger apartments, filling about adoption papers. And the next you're sitting in a cell.

I finally listened to final hour (the bonus track) and it's so good! It's my favorite song off the album. In going to upload it to soundcloud and I'll put a link on my account later

Sorry this story is going kind of slow

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