february 2

121 18 7

Dear Kyle,

your mom came today.

Kyle she expected me to apologize, yet for the most part I was silent.

It killed me as they sat me down on the bench, on the opposite side of the plastic wall. Your mom looked broken and damaged.

Who can blame her though?

She lost her baby boy, Kyle she lost you.

In the beginning she didn't say anything. She just put her hands in the tiny slot, opening her hands for mine. So I placed my rough, cuffed hands in hers, feeling as she stroked them quietly.

Tears were silently falling down her shirt, her eyes squeezed shut.

"I need closure." She finally said, looking at me as tears fell freely.

"I don't know why." I told her, feeling as my throat began to burn. It was taking everything to keep myself together.

"You took my baby from me." She sobbed, letting go of my hands to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Daniel Smith, he loved you! I don't know if you saw it like I did, but his whole world revolved around you. You were his sun, moon, and stars. Dan he was going to marry you, and take care of you. Do you know where I was when I got the news?"

I shook my head, feeling as the gates opened and a tear fell.

"I was buying myself a dress to wear to your wedding." She sobbed, pulling out a tissue from her pocket.

"Did you ever love him?" She questioned.

That's when I lost everything. All the walls I had put up for the cameras and courthouses fell and I felt like the scared little boy I used to be.

"Yes!" I shouted a little bit too loud. All the other visitors turned to look our way after my outburst.

"Dan please, just tell me why you took my baby." Your mother pleaded for an explanation, but I couldn't give her one. I didn't have a logical explanation.

Kyle what I did was so wrong. You gave and gave and gave, and in an instant I took it all away.

"I don't know ms. Simmons." I cried, resting my head in my hands.

She looked down to her lap. In it was a small picture of you. I had taken it on your family's Polaroid. You were looking directly at the camera, smiling like you didn't have a care in the world. Your mother must have found it in my wallet where it always sat.

She touched the picture softly, her fingers running along the outline of your head. In her eyes was a mixture of sadness, confusion, and anger.

"That doesn't bring him back."

After that she left.


Hey everybody!

Sorry that this story is going kind of slowly. Things will develop and get more interesting I promise:)

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