January 20

127 19 1

Dear Kyle,

life has been hell lately.

After finding me hanging, the quickly got me down and revived me. Then they moved me to solitary, with nothing besides what I was wearing. I've literally been sleeping on the ground. It's quite uncomfortable having a camera watching you twelve four seven.

I finally got out today.

Do you remember our six month?

I had taken us to a beach, and rented out a house on the water. It was quite perfect I'll admit. Just you, me, and the ocean.

My favorite part though was when we made the camp fire. We were idiots and tried to make it with just newspaper and sticks. The poor thing kept burning itself out.

That was until we put some logs on, and snuggled up by the radiant fire.

For a while we sat quiet, watching the fire twist and turn. And then you broke the silence. You thanks me.

You said that you had always wanted to do this, to stay on the beach with the person you love.

That made my heart ache. The thought of you, going on dates and being rejected killed me. I didn't know how I even managed to get you.

You were eighty times better than me, and a hundred times kinder. You were a respected therapist, on the verge of expanding your practice, and I was just another angry man in a world full of them.

If I could trade spots with you, I wouldn't even think twice. You didn't deserve one thing that I did to you.

What I did was truly unspeakable.

Why would I hurt the person who I loved, the only person who ever showed me an ounce of love. The sliver of sunlight in a gloomy world.

Kyle, you were my oxygen, and without you I can't breathe.

Hey everybody!

Hope this isn't too depressing, can't say it'll change lol

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