September 20

88 16 9

Dear Kyle,

today was weird.

Everything started like normal. Wake up. Pills. Breakfast. Group therapy. Pills. Lunch. Courtyard.

But starting at the courtyard everything started changing.

You see me and Will were sitting outside talking. He was telling me some story of him at university when he changed.

His quiet and cheeky demeanor changed to violent, demanding, and lust full almost. It was a complete 360 from his normal self.

"I don't like you like that." I told him as he pulled me in trying to kiss me. His hands were already halfway down my pants.

"Shhh." He smirked as he pulled them down.

Kyle I was so scared.

But my body seemed to be deceiving me.

"Will, sto..." I couldn't even finish my sentence as a low moan escaped my lips. He looked up at me and just smirked before continuing.

Kyle all I wanted was to scream. It had been so long and it felt so good but I also couldn't help but feel guilty because of you. You still spend every Sunday with me, laying in bed all day like the good old days.

"Good boy." He grinned as I came.

Kyle I felt so ashamed of myself. I hate that I liked it and that I didn't do more to stop it from happening.

But that's not even the weirdest part.

"What just happen... Oh my god." Will ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at me.

"Did I do what I think I did?" He asked me, worry tracing his voice. It was such a sharp contrast to before.

"Yeah." I mumbled, and pulled up my pants ashamed of myself.

But that's when you showed up. You were standing behind him, looking at him with such a darkness in your eyes.

You tapped on his shoulder. And instead of nothing happening Will turned around, his eyes going wide.

"I'm so sorry." He said, tears falling from his eyes.

"That wasn't me." Will pleaded but you didn't seem to listen.

As the next thing I knew you slammed a foot into his head, knocking him down to the ground.


That was all you said to me as you disappeared, looking down to Will one final time.

Kyle after you left Will slowly sat up, his eye swollen shut and a nice shade of yellow, a sign a nasty bruise was coming.

I thought you were just in my head.

I'm so sorry.

Kyle I really am so fucking sorry. But please tell me what's going on.


lol that probs made no sense :-|

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