June 10

109 21 1

Dear Kyle,

You were in court today.

I walked into the room, my hands cuffed and a grey suit on. It was the suit that you bought for me. We were gonna go to your sister's wedding, and so we got matching suits.

But anyways once I sat down I saw you sitting amongst the jury. I was going to tell my lawyer, but you put a fiver over your lip as if telling me to be quiet. And so I did.

For a while it was just my lawyer talking about my actions. He brought out files from my past, telling the judge of my pattern of unsteady behavior. He then began talking about you.

But what he said made it sound so much worse. He made it seem like I was just fucking you in order to be cleared. He argued that I show every sign of being a sociopath.

Sociopaths are supposed to be charming, manipulative, and reckless, and impulsive, and aggressive. And according to him those are all traits that I possess.

Then they went on to talk about the motive behind killing her. That's when I had to speak.

"Do you know what's it's like to have all you've ever wanted ripped out from underneath your feet? Because that's what I felt when she left. You see after she left I was so angry. I was angry with her, angry with my father, and angry with myself. So as a kid I liked causing trouble, and I liked causing trouble. Something about it just appealed to me. And so I grew up like this. Nobody ever taught me how to control all this pent up anger. So in sorry okay? It wasn't the right thing to do, and now I see how wrong I was. I'm sorry."

The room was completely silent. Nobody ever talked about their crimes like I did. But guess what I don't really give a fuck anymore.

I mean according to everyone else I'm just a sociopath who doesn't know how to control themselves right?

Kyle am I sociopath?

Did I really fuck you for a purpose and not love?

I feel like I loved you, but maybe I didn't. It's just that things are starting to become hazy. Things that I once knew for a fact are beginning to blur with the unknown.

Kyle, even though you're here with me and we talk you're floating into oblivion.

Kyle, in slowly loosing my mind.


Hey everyone it's been a while. Sorry this story is kind of boring, it'll heat back up.

If you want to comment anything you want me to change, feel free I'm willing to do whatever with this.

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