march 4

120 17 1

Dear Kyle,

do you remember that day when you got sick?

All morning you laid in bed with the lights off, a plastic bowl by the bedside. Every little thing made you sick.

Of course every couple of minutes I would come in and clean out the bowl, and give you a warm rag for your head.

We both thought it was bad food from the previous night. But you continued throwing up, even once you had nothing left in your stomach.

And then you began to throw up blood. I tried taking you to the hospital, but Kyle you were so adamant that it was all fine.

That night, at three in the morning while I laid on the sofa, I heard a loud crash.

When I looked in the living room you were unconscious on the ground, the plastic bowl laying next you on the ground. You were sweating like crazy, your skin pale and clammy.

I don't think I've ever driven so fast.

Once we were at the hospital, the nurses rushed to figure out what was wrong.

Kyle, that hour was the scariest hour of my life. I thought I had lost you. I thought that my love, my life, my everything was gone.

My fears though were put to rest as the doctors called me in. You were asleep in the bed, an iv in your hand as you snored softly.

The tears fell quickly down my cheeks as I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The nurse told me that you were bleeding internally inside of your stomach. The cause was unknown, but all I cared about was the fact that you were okay.

Kyle sitting in that waiting room was a wake up call. It showed me just how special you were, and it also showed me how much it would hurt to lose you.

Kyle after I did what I did, I sobbed. When the police came I was inconsolable. My world had just came crashing down.

And now it seems like I'm living in the wreckage.

I miss you.


Sorry this is kinda slow, I promise things are going to pick up a bunch. This is the calm before the storm:)

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