October 31

111 17 10

Dear Kyle,

it's funny that tonight is Halloween and I'm here alone.

You see it was your absolute favorite holiday even topping Christmas and your birthday. Every year you would try and top the last years costume until you reached he ultimate level.

"Does this look right?" You asked adjusting the red mullet on your head. Everything had so far gone to plan with your costume and all you had left was the signature red lightning bolt on your cheek and you would be golden.

I loved the insane amount of detail you put into your costume and everything. Kyle I thought it was insane how you had this planned since august and even ordered special color contacts to truly pay tribute to your late hero David Bowie.

I on the other hand always waited til the day of Halloween to plan a costume. In fact that year I wasn't even planning on dressing up until you said that wouldn't be good enough.

So I found a navy flannel and buttoned it all the way up and put on my jean jacket. And after getting a long haired grey wig, and you doing my makeup I had found my costume.

That night David Bowie and Bob from Twin Peaks hit up the Halloween parties, attending some we weren't even invited to.

It was crazy because Kyle I had always hated Halloween until I was with you.

You see you opened my eyes to the world. I had spent my whole life growing up with so much hatred. And then you came into my life and acted as a ray of sunlight in a dark room.

What I really wanted to tell you was something off that topic.

Kyle my case is going back to court because new evidence was found on the shoes I wore when I uh ended up killing mom.

I talked to Will about it and what he said has really freaked me out. He said that if they found enough evidence and Chris couldn't prove I'm truly insane, that I would be charged with life in prison without parole.

And that means no Sunday mornings laying in the hard bed, afternoon talks with Chris, or sitting out in the grass with Will.

I don't even know what to do anymore because I know I killed her, but I have no clue what happened. Kyle everything is blank.

But one thing I know, is there's no way I'm going back to prison.

I'll make sure of it.


This chapter is officially 420 words #blazeit

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