Why now?

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Bianca POV
I get my things from my apartment, (clothes, toothbrush, etc). I took a quick shower and wore comfy clothes. Nothing sexy. An OVO hoodie and leggings with Air Forces. I get my things and just put my curly hair into a quick bun, no makeup. I get in my car and drive to the studio. "Hey, so you ready" Drake says. "Yeah, so what do you wanna do at your place?" I say. "I was thinking maybe we can watch a movie or something?" "That's sounds good". I get in his car and we just start talking, random shit. You know that person you can literally say anything to and they will still think of you the same way?. They won't treat you differently even if you told them the craziest thing you've done. Well, thats him. "Remember that time we went to Disney World and wore a wig and a bunch of make up so nobody would recognize us" Aubrey says. "How can I forget!? It was the best day of my life" I say. We start talking about every ride we went on, and all the good food we ate. "You know for one day, I got to feel what it's like to be normal" he says. When we got to his house, everything was so quiet. It was so nice compared to the city where I live in. "Do you need help with your bag?" He asks. "No I'm good" I answer.  We go in his house and I see a bunch of beer bottles on his kitchen counter. "You been drinking again huh?" I say. "You know how things have been with me and Luna". "I know, but you don't need to drink. You know you can always talk to me" I say. "I know, I just don't wanna bother you with my problems" Aubrey says. For some reason I was so happy to hear Luna and him are going through a rough time. I've never told anyone but since the day I met him, I've always had feelings for him. When I hear him talk about Luna I just want to shut him up by kissing his soft lips. 

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