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Drake POV
I needed Bianca to come over. I needed to touch her soft skin, kiss her natural red lips and of course after all that, talk about this baby. I've actually been thinking of making a family. I'm getting older and I'm still not married or have any children. In fact, Bianca has me crazy. I love her so much I just want the best for her. I'm still getting to know her but that doesn't mean I can't marry her. We have to speed things up. My idea is have a romantic dinner, lots of sex and then propose. It's not ideal time to propose, but I know she's the one. Plus, everything is fucked up anyway so what would the problem if I put a ring on the girl I love?. It's not like we hooked up and she's pregnant and I have to marry her. I want to marry her.
I texted her to come over at 7:00. When the sun is setting and we can have sex by the fire all night. Also, something I'm looking forward too is we don't have to use condoms anymore.
I am going to cook for us first. I am going to be making some pasta with some fancy sauce. Shit, I might not be the greatest cook but I am damn good at making her love me. Even for the things I can't change.
The clock hits 7:00. She's still not here. She's always been a very punctual person, so where she at? I text her asking if she's on her way or not and she doesn't respond. I keep on calling her and she's not picking up. I think to myself she's probably driving.
I leave a message on her phone
"Babe where are you?"
I'm sitting on my couch staring at the clock. As the minutes change the more anxious I get. Then, I hear a knock on the door.
I see sirens and a female cop. She has pretty blue eyes and fair skin.
"Hello sir, are you Aubrey Graham?"
"Yes ma'am, what happened?"
"We are sorry to inform you that Bianca Rivera has been in a car crash"
All out of the sudden. The world stops. I go in to shock. My Bianca? There has to be a mistake or something. I try to find comfort in the officers blue eyes.
"Sir, sir?"
"Yes sorry, is she okay!?"
"We still do not have any information about that. She is in the Huntington Hospital. We can drive you to her"
"Please do"
As I get in the back seat of the police car. My hands start trembling and I feel nauseous. I start asking myself a million questions. What about the baby? Is it okay?. And the scariest of them all, "is she going to make it?".
After we arrived I run to the door. As I walk the hospitals receptionist asks for my name and who am I looking for
"Aubrey Graham and I am looking for Bianca Rivera"
"Sir Bianca is in surgery right now"
She asks a nurse to guide me to the waiting room. None of the people there seemed to care I was a celebrity which made the situation less stressful than it already is.
After 1 hour of me sitting down and waiting for an update. A surgeon comes out and asks
"Aubrey Graham?"
"Here!" I say
She slowly comes up to me and sits in the chair beside me.
"Hello Aubrey, I'm Dr. Herman. I am one of the surgeons operating on Bianca"
She's one of the surgeons operating on her! Bianca must be really badly injured if they need more than one surgeon at the same time, I thought to myself.

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