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Bianca POV
As his lips touched mine I felt euphoric. I wanted more. I wanted to taste him longer. But he had to go. Like always, He needs to be somewhere else doing "important shit" as he calls it. But I can't complain. I thought our conversation would end up with him breaking up with me or not talking to me for 1-3 months. But a kiss? That caught me off guard. "You have to go already!?" I ask. "I'm sorry but I do. I promise I'll call you later" he says. As he walked out of that door I felt extremely sad. Which has never happened before. I've never depended on other people to make me happy. Since I mostly did not have a lot of friends growing up I had to learn how to entertain myself or how not to feel lonely. As I saw his car drive away I was wrecked. I just wanted him to stay for a bit longer. But trust me, I am not usually like this. I'm independent, I do not need a man to make me happy at least I thought. Lately I've been feeling nauseous and irritable. Am I pregnant? That would explain a lot. You know, all the hormones attacking your every emotion. I just needed company so I called one of my best friends Caroline. Yes, like the movie and the song. She's chill and hella funny. For example you could be in the mall eating fries and this girl deep throats them, or she starts dancing to her favourite song in Walmart. She's just one of those people.
-hey girl
-hey bitch
-come over hoe
-nah bitch I wanna sleep
- I got Popeyes
-k I'm coming in 15 minutes
If you don't call that real friendship then I don't what is. Anyway, I don't even got Popeyes I just need her ass to be over here.
• 15 minutes later •
She comes in and leaves her coat on the floor
-bitch, where's the Popeyes?
-we will get some later, I need to talk to you
-okay, what is it?
-I think I might be pregnant
-BITCH WHAT! You can't be serious? Is this some YouTube shit? I swear I've seen this before the hoe lies that she's pregnant and then the she shows where the camera is and shit. WHERE THE CAMERA AT HOE?
-Relax! I'm not joking. I haven't taken a percance test yet or whatever.
-who's the daddy? You know, who came in you?
-Aubrey... duh
-don't duh me bitch I FINNA slap you I don't care if you "might" be pregnant
-Hoe, I'm going to take the pregnancy test with you
-why me? I don't want to see you piss on a stick
-I'm being serious
-okay, bitch I love you we gonna do this together k?

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