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Caroline POV
I'm just as shook as you are. My best friend, pregnant?. Fuck is going on?. I could not even imagine her as a mom. Her career is just starting to take off and she hasn't been with Aubrey for that long. A baby would fuck everything up. But she ain't even sure yet. We need to go to the pharmacy and get her a pregnancy test.
-who's driving? I ask
-you hoe, I'm pregnant
-bitch if you start playing the "I'm pregnant" card when you ain't even sure I swear. Plus if you even are pregnant it's an egg and fucking sperm. It ain't a baby yet
-okay!, I was joking jeez
-well, let's go!
We both get in my EXPENSIVE black BMW and drive for 5 minutes. After we parked at the drug store and go in there were so many of these pregnancy tests, I never thought baby making was that hard
-which one should I get
-the most expensive one
-okay, I'll get this one
She grabs one with a bright pink box. We get to the cash register and that shit was 14.25 dollars. A number 5 from Popeyes costs that much and you enjoy it way more than peeing on a damn stick.
After we got home she rushes to the bathroom to take the test. 
Bianca POV
At this point, everything was going by too fast. I thought I would be married when taking this test. With my husband in the other room waiting for the great news. But it's the complete opposite. My best friend waiting for me not to be pregnant. I've never been so stressed in my life. That stick right there could define the next 18 years of my life. That's just so much to take in. As I'm opening the box my hands tremble and I have the desire to call Aubrey. But I had to be certain I was pregnant. I know if it's positive I'll call him and if it's not I won't. Simple. I take out the stick out of the box and read the instructions. I sit down and well, pee on the stick. After I do my "thing" I wash my hands and wait too see the results.
-girl, I'm here for you okay? If ya ass need a babysitter guess what? I got a sister 12 years younger than me. I was basically her second mom.
-aw thanks Caroline, but we ain't even sure yet. Let's just hope for the best.
-even if you are pregnant. Your baby daddy is a millionaire. He's also hot and probably will marry you. He's so in love with you I can tell Bianca. Don't worry.
-girl thanks
-no pro- OH MY GOD
-the little sign Bianca!
I started crying so much, I don't even know why I was so upset. What she said was right. He is someone I love and I'm not even that young to be having a kid. It's just the fact that I have to tell him now is killing me.
-Girl you have to call him
-okay I will

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