All alone.

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Dr. Herman POV
This is the part of my job I dislike, talking to the family members of the patient. After I explained everything to Aubrey, I could see the pain in his eyes. He was trying to hold back his tears. I wanted to comfort him but I had to go back to surgery. I run to the OR and I try to scrub in as quickly as I can.
"WE ARE LOOSING HER" Dr. Mimick yells.
"PUSH 400 EPI" I yell (epinephrine)
"Charge to 200... CLEAR"
Her whole body shakes on the surgical table.
"Charge to 400... clear"
She flat lines.
Dr. Burk starts CPR
12 minutes pass
"We got a pulse!"
"She's tachycardic" Dr. Burk  yells
"SUCTION!" Dr. Burk demands.
"I'm having trouble locating the bleeder!" Dr. Burk says
"VP is dropping!" A resident informs us
"Uhhhh, I could suture it or clamp it" Dr. Burk thinks
"The aorta ruptured and its coming from the left ventricle clamp it or you are going to kill this patient!" Dr. Mimick yells
Dr. Burk clamps the aorta and the patient stops bleeding out.
"She's stable" I say
"She's lost too much blood. We can't keep going" Dr. Mimick says.
"Close her up. We need to wait till she's more stable to go back in"
Drake POV
3 hour pass. I know I have to call Caroline to tell her about the car crash. I just can't put myself together to talk about it yet. The thought of loosing her already brings me to tears . I see Dr.Herman approaching my way. I stand up and sadly, I prepared myself mentally to receive bad news.
"We successfully were able to stop the bleeding. But she is too weak to keep on with the operation. She will be in the ICU for a couple of days until she's stronger to go back in" Dr. Herman says. I felt relieved and afraid at the same time.
"Okay, thank you. Will she be awake soon?" I ask
"She should wake up in a couple of hours" she replies
"Will she be alright?" I ask her
"I hope so" she says.

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