Overtime part 2

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Bianca POV
I get home and get a few things. Shoes, warm clothes, underwear, lingering (of course, just in case) and my weed. I know he has some too. But sharing is caring.
Drake POV
While Bianca was gone I tried to tidy up the place a bit, Took a quick shower, and overall look more presentable. The door opens and its Bianca.
"I'm back"
"Great, food is ready"
"Good I am starving"
I get the dishes and put them on the table. "This looks to good!" Bianca says. "You look better" I say. I don't know why. It just slipped. But I think she knows we are more than friends. I have seen her naked before. "Aw, thanks" she says. A better reaction than "thanks but we're just friends" "Well, let's eat" I say.
*45 minutes later* "Aubrey, I need to tell you something"
"Okay" I could feel the sexual tension. She looked at me a way no woman has ever done before. I knew, I just knew.
"I love you"
She said that. I was paralyzed. I thought we were fooling around. Nothing serious. All these thoughts on my head were telling me to say the same thing back. "I love you too Bianca". It was really weird. I usually tell women I love them when we have been dating more than 6 months, When things get serious. So saying this was a bit odd. She giggled and looked adorable. Maybe I did love her and I was denying it to myself.

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