What are you so afraid of?

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Bianca POV
He pulls up in front of my house and honks 2 times. I get my purse and my keys. I get in the car and he kisses me on the cheek with his big soft lips. "Hey, so are you ready?" "Ready for what?" I ask. "To go to dinner" "oh yeah!, gosh I'm awful at remembering things. I'm sorry" "don't worry it's okay" so I already fucked up. I made myself look so dumb but I laughed it off. There was nothing else I could do. "Haha, yeah". He puts his hand on my thigh while he was driving. In the beginning it was so cute and romantic but at the end his hand got sweaty and probably wrinkled up that part of my dress.  I put my hand on top his to not seem cold and like I cared about him too. Which I do, but sweaty hands aren't my favourite thing. "So what have you done in the past few days" I ask him. "Nothing really, Winter got sick so I took her to the vet" "aw, is she better now?" "Yeah, she's running again and chewing on my things" he chuckled. "You know, I don't want this to be awkward or like we have never talked before. Like all the things we went thorough together never happened. We should act like we always act with each other" he says. "I agree, we should act normal around each other and take it slow" . We finally arrived at some museum. "I thought we were going to go eat?" I ask. "We are". He grabs my hand and we walk together to the entrance. Nobody greets us. He just opened the door and went in. "Oh my gosh" I gasp. "You like it?" He asks "I love it Aubrey". He set up this dinner table with white roses in the middle of the museum hall. It was so creative and romantic. "Let's sit down". He takes out my chair and I sit down. Everything looked like it was happening in slow motion. "I'm glad you like it" he says. I put my hand on top of his "I love it". Everything was so perfect. "Order anything you want" he says. I didn't even feel like eating. I just wanted to talk to him and enjoy the moment. "I'll eat a salad". The waiter comes up and asks us what we want to eat and drink. "2 cokes a salad for her and  the fish for me" "okay" the waiter left and Aubrey said "that dress looks beautiful on you" I touched his soft face with my right hand "thank you" I said. His eyes lightened up when he looked at me. He would just kind of giggle when we looked at each other straight in the eyes. He stood up and told me to stand up too. There was music playing and we just slowed dance. It was a fairytale in real life. "Bianca, I love you. I think we shouldn't pretend that what happened didn't happen. It's not a bad thing". "I love you too" he opened went in to his left pocket and got a ring. "Bianca, I want to have something serious with you. Not just goofing around. I want you to be my girlfriend". I thought he was about to propose which I'm glad he didn't. That would be too soon and he would seem clingy. "I would love to be your girlfriend". It felt like we were in middle school. But I understand why he gave me a promise ring. He didn't want this love to slowly slip out of our hands.

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