Chapter 17 (part 2)

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Sam's POV


"She cheated on you Ben."


"She cheated on you two times or more."


"You should break up with her. I don't want you to get hurt"

"Whose getting hurt?" Bridgette said suddenly popping out of nowhere

"Tell him Bridge.. Tell him the truth!" 

"About what?"

"Will you stop acting so innocent?!" I said and went closer to slap her right across her face gently. But she made an act to fall making me look all bad

"Oww... I-I don't know what you're saying.." she said rubbing her face. Such an actress. And as expected Benjamin ran to her and helped her up

"Sam please leave us alone"

"And you Benjamin, You told me you will be with me no matter what.. you promised" i pointed out making Benjamin stand up and massage his temple

"I uh.."


"Y-you should go. You pushed this too hard Sam. I d-don't want to talk to you.. anymore"

"Okay fine! But don't go crying to me if she cheats on you again-"

"But I didn-"

"Shut up, okay? Im not talking to you."

"Benj- woah.. whats happening here?" Tobias said popping out. How do they do that?!

"They uh..." Benjamin said looking speechless and confused

"Just forget it.. You won't believe me anyways.. You're just like the others" i chuckled in the last sentence "And to think I made myself madly inlove with you? Just a waste of precious time.." I said turning around

"W-what did you say?"

"I said, I FUCKING LOVE YOU OKAY? I probably look like a fool before, hiding my feelings from you. I should've known there is no way you'll ever feel the same way. Cuz this is not another fucking Cinderella story.." i cried out "And yes, maybe I am jealous. But I never wanted to break your relationship with my devilish cousin. And why, you may ask? Be-because I love you so much to see you unhappy and I don't even care if it isn't me.. But now that I know that my cousin is a cheater? I don't want to see you getting cheated on nor seeing someone taking credit from you again"

"Sam I-"

"Save it. You said you never want to talk to me again.. Well then there.. Your wish is granted. Goodbye Benjamin Lasnier" I said making a courtsey pose. And headed outside

I could hear them calling me but I don't care. I ran, I ran so fast I don't even know where Im going. I ran, I ran like a lost puppy who found some bacon strips. I ran like there's no tomorrow.

My vision's blurred, from all those tears I cried. My legs are tired, running from all the problems I have or not yet encountered. My feet are sore, from stepping on the trials of whom we called life.My stomach grumbles, from the empty feeling of defeat and alcohol.My heart beats fast, so fast like its going to explode any second now.

But I don't care.

No one cares for me. No one believe me. No one ever appreciates me. Im just worthless. A worthless piece of junk thrown into the earth to suffer.

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