Chapter 33

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(not edited)
Sam's POV

I took a seat on the nearest bench waiting for that wacko to come. It was approximately 2:00 and Mr Fil's car was nowhere to be found

He tricked me

"Gosh I should have known" I muttered pulling my hair out.

I let out a sigh and took my meal out enjoying a box of teriyaki on the parking lot with a bunch of students judging me while waiting for my client like what a normal professional should do.

"Sam?" Jason called out sitting down next to me with a confused expression on his face "What?" I muttered taking another bite of teriyaki

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" I sassed and he rose a brow "But why here?"

I chewed on a piece and swallowed moments after "I'm waiting for Lasnier"

He tilted his head as I stood up to throw the box in the trash bin "But he said he was waiting for you"



"He's with the team getting all prepped up for the shoot"

Benjamin's POV

"Looking great girls" I said complementing the crowd of models in the studio. There were around twenty of them including Teresa who was the loudest one of them all

"But he wasn't I swear, I saw him with another girl" Even her voice echoed in the room. Her eyes then came across mine in which I smiled in reply. "Ben, this girl here has a crush on you!" she shouted and the one next to her slapped her in the face causing Teresa to back up in laughter.

It's funny to see how Teresa haven't changed a bit since highschool. Maybe she did in the appearance seeing that she has now have a nose ring on the left side of her nose and she has a gun tattoo on her wrist

"Sir" Sam muttered with a fake grin "What is it?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

*    *     *     *    *

She locked the door up and looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed "What is it Samantha?"

"Don't you dare call me Samantha. Do you know how long I have waited for you outside the building?! On the freaking parking lot?" she spat walking closer to me with her face boiling up in anger

"Where have you gone anyways huh? Care to tell me that?!"

"I took the car remember?" I muttered sheepishly

"What?!" she whispered shout as she then rubbed her temples closing her eyes "I walked the whole damn way from that damn sick restaurant with a box of bulbs on my hands" she stated

"I WALKED THE WHOLE FUCKING WAY FROM THE RESTAURANT WITH A BOX OF BULBS ON MY HANDS AND YOU TOOK A CAR" she shouted with her fists balling up "Gosh, I even ran in some parts thinking the photographer would be here early like YOU SAID but, nooo. HE ISN'T HERE"

I could laugh at how she looks right now because to tell you frankly she looks funny as hell

"Calm down Sam" I said trying my very best not to crack up "Don't make such a big deal out of it"

"You're expecting me not to make a deal about it? To not make a deal about IT? THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"

"Are you on your period or something?" I said raising a brow

"Oh so you think this is all some sick joke huh? That YOU WERE COMFORTABLE IN DRIVING THE WHOLE WAY DOWN FROM THE RESTAURANT TO HERE NOT GIVING A CARE ABOUT THE WORLD LIKE THE FUCKTARD YOU ARE" fucktard? "I bet your laughing at me right now huh?" she rambles on still walking towards me with her brows still furrowed

"Sam come on cal-"

"So now you expect me to CALM down? To calm down after everything?! Gosh Ben, how can you be so-" I cut her off with my hands reaching out to hold her face as I then kissed her lips. Surprisingly, she didn't move or anything so I deepened the kiss

It was as if you were kissing the clouds. Her lips was soft and I will never regret doing this

"Samantha I-" Veronica's voice beamed out causing us both to back up in surprise. Sam wiped her lips of with the sleeve of her shirt and I looked at Veronica who still has her mouth open slightly at the sudden events. "Let me explain" Sam started and coughed "I- we..."

"He started it!" she says a bit too loud pointing at me. "Hey! It wasn't my fault"

She looked at me with her brow raised and her arms folded "Oh really now"

"You were too loud and calming you won't help so I-" my words got cut off when Sam held her stomach with an undescribable expression. "Are you okay?"

She then ran to the bathroom leaving us both confused. "What did you do?!" Veronica asked "I don't know?!- I just kissed her thats all"

Then we heard barfing noises coming from Sam. "Samantha? Honey are you okay?" I heard Veronica say as she followed Sam to the bathroom. I followed as well seeing that there is nothing better to do

I watched Veronica trace circles on Sam's back as she continued to vomit in the toilet.

"I really didn't know what happened" I spoke up and Veronica looked at me confused "Where did you guys ate again?"

"Some asian restaurant from down the street remember?"

"Oh right" she says and went back to Sam "Are you alright now?" she says after Sam stopped-well, vomiting

I grabbed a toilet paper roll and handed it to Veronica. Veronica then tore a thick piece and handed it to Sam who then cleaned her face with it.

"Can you please leave the bathroom? I'll go clean myself up"

"Okay then" Veronica said as she pushed me out the bathroom

Once we heard the door click Veronica looked at me dead in the eye "What?"

She let out a sigh "We'll talk about this later but for now, let's all go back to the studio"

*    *    *    *

"Ah, Mr. Fil!" Veronica beamed out as she went to greet the polished man with a peck on his cheek that he to gave in return. I went ahead and placed my hand out "Uh, Hi"

I was never good at introductions anyway

The man looked at me confused but then reached out to shake my hand "I suppose you are Mr. Lasnier"

"Yup" I popped retrieving my hand from his. He looked at me from top to bottom almost as if he was criticizing me. I looked at Veronica for reassurance but she just gave me a grin and two thumbs up

"Uh, thank you for coming Mister... Fil" I spoke up as he then backed up to Veronica's side "Hmm... where are ze models?" he asked his french accent sounding prominent as he looked at Veronica

"Right this way Mr. Fil" she says guiding him to where the models are leaving me alone

My eyes then searched for Sam as I heard a door open. She looked better than before I guess? She had her makeup retouched which is practically obvious. She too had a change of clothing with her wearing a white dress top and a pair of skinnys still with the pair of black pumps from earlier today

"Are you okay?" I asked and she didn't even dared to look at me yet she continued walking down the same path as Veronica

What's with her? I thought to myself as I followed her

She seem to take notice of my presence so she stopped walking "I had a bad choice of meals earlier" she said and I chuckled

"Cheese and teriyaki will never be good together Sam" I said laughing

Author's Note

so i decided to update two parts today because that looks fair enough to make up for the lack of updates

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